Programme SAP RPLNHRU0 - New Hire Reporting

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, commonlyknown as the Welfare Reform Act, requires employers to report newlyhired employees in all states.
This program generates a list for each tax company and each statecontaining the following federally mandated information:

  • Employer name, address, and identification number (EIN)

  • Employee name, address, and Social Security Number

  • The list also contains additional information, such as employee date ofbirth, date of hire, and employer state unemployment insurance number,depending on each state's requirement.
    You can choose to produce this report individually for each state or ina summarized version for all states on magnetic media. If you choose toproduce the summarized version, you only need to submit it to a singlestate, rather than individually to each state.

    Make the appropriate selections in the Report-specificselections section. If necessary, you can further restrict yourselection criteria by selecting personnel numbers, company code, etc.
    Note: The report only selects active employees (employment status '3').
    Select either paper or magnetic media as output format. If you selectmagnetic media, you must also specify which state you are submittingthe report to and the file name and path for the report.

    The program creates a report summarizing the required data for theemployer and each new employee. You can print and save the results.If you chose to output the report on magnetic media, the file issaved to the path and file name you specified.

997866New Hire Report: Magnetic Media for Montana.
531901MSC: Conc. Employment activation check in U.S. reports.
1002230New Hire report fails to display hire date for NE and IN
902167U.S. Reports: Runtime errors
1012396New hires on diff. tax co. in same state not shown.
992825Mag.Media output of RPLNHRU0 counts employees twice.
919334Inconsistencies in output of U.S.-specific reports.
941253RPLNHRU0: Errors while displaying and printing the report
858090New Hire Report: Legal Compliance for Maryland (MD)
886533New Hire Report: Legal changes for Maryland (MD)
854845New Hire Report: Magnetic Media for the state Wisconsin (WI)
839771New Hire Report: Magnetic Media Format for Indiana (IN)
437360NWH: New Hire Report (OH) has incorrect abbreviation
821104New Hire Report: Magnetic Media format for WA and PA
783914New Hire Report: Electronic Filing Format
752404RPLNHRU0:Legal Changes for Magnetic Media format for Georgia
700150NHR: Short dump downloading output as Unix file
650121NWH: Tennessee New Hire Report output file error.
527346NWH: CA New Hire Report Download File Format Changes
488886NWH: New Hire report - Display Hire Date for Tennessee (TN)
445096NWH: New Hire report - Electronic filing for Michigan
447344NWH: US New Hire report - Electronic filing for TN, OK