Programme SAP RPLMOGB0 - Quarterly declaration for child allowance fund (model G)

Model G: quarterly declaration for child allowance fund

Each quarter, the employer receives a model G form from the childallowance fund he is registered at, containing a list of all theemployees entitled to child allowances.
The employer has then to report newly hired employees and/or employeeswho left the company within this time frame.

To create a model G form successfully, do the following:

  • Maintain the child allowance fund number in the Child allowance fund
  • field in table 'Personnel areas/subareas' (T5B9P).
    • Maintain the child allowance fund's and employer's address
    • (institutional groups 0005 and 0030, respectively) in table'Institutions' (T5B9A).
      • Maintain evaluation class 'Assimilated days for child allowance' (

      • 16) to calculate employee performance.
        • Maintain 'Mapping table Event type - Reason of Event' (T5BO1) to
        • determine the reason for leaving of an employee (retirement, dismissal,resignation, etc.).
          • Maintain the following infotypes:

          • Actions (0000),
            Organizational Assignment (0001),
            Personal Data (0002),
            Addresses (0006) (has to be checked only once),
            Social Insurance (B) (0100),
            Tax data (B) (0101),
            Contract data (16).
            • Make sure that the personal calendar is up-to-date and that you have
            • run the payroll program for the whole declaration period.


              Per default, the declaration period corresponds to a quarter, but assome child allowance funds send a monthly form, you can change theperiod accordingly. On the basis of this selection, the report rejectsall employees who:

              • Are not entitled to child allowances for at least one day during the
              • declaration period,
                • Have not been active for at least one day during the declaration
                • period,
                  • Are not registered at the child allowance fund you have entered.
                  • Output
                    The model G form is created by means of the SAPscript formHR_BE_MODELG.