Programme SAP RPLLHBN0 - Master Data Overview for Infotype Fiscal Data NL (0060)

This report displays the most current data from infotype FiscalData NL (0060) per employee. Depending on the option selected,different overview screens are displayed. You can view detailedinformation by choosing single lines. The selection criteria aregrouped as follows:

  • Overview Screen 1:

  • Social Security/Tax ID number (SoFi no.), table, tax class, conversionrule, period, special employee groups ('exception table'), income code.
    • Overview Screen 2:

    • Special tax rate ('Decisions indicator').
      • Overview Screen 3:

      • Social insurance exemption (conscientious reasons) and special taxindicators.
        • Overview Screen 4:

        • This screen appears if more than one or no group has been selected.