Programme SAP RPLLAWC2 - Wage Statement 2005

You can use this program to create the wage statement as of 2005 (newwage statement) in accordance with the legal guidelines of the Swiss taxadministration (ESTV).
The form is used for the following purposes:

  • As a wage statement for employees

  • As a statement for deductions and compensation payments to supervisory
  • board members
    • As a statement of pensions for the second column

    • The employer is obliged to create a wage statement for each employee onan annual basis in which all benefits or advantages of monetary valuethat the employee received from the work relationship are declared.Similarly, the form must be created as a pension statement for all BVGhealth provision institutes that pay a pension.
      You can choose to use the new wage statement as of 2005. As of thefiscal year 2007, the wage statement is valid throughout Switzerland. Tofill out the form, the official guide, which is available on theInternet at, is binding.
      The wage statement must be issued on an annual basis or when an employeeleaves the company. In general, only one wage statement may be createdfor each natural person, unless one of the following exceptions occurs:
      • The legal person of the employer changes

      • If the legal person changes during the year, then two wage statementsmust be created for the employee.
        • The employee status changes

        • If an employee becomes a pension recipient during the year, then twowage statements must be created.
          • The duration of the issuing period is longer than one year

          • If the print report is performed for a period longer than one year, thenyou must create a separate wage statement for each year in accordancewith the aforementioned conditions.

            The program ranks the payroll results of the selected employees byassigning the wage types to the fields of the wage statement and thenadding them up.


            • Data selection period

            • Select a maximum of one year for the creation period.
              • Selection

              • Using the pushbutton Other selections, you can execute theprogram according to the selection criteria that are available forindividual or multiple personnel numbers or according to theorganizational assignment of the employee.
                In addition, you can limit the selection to one or more payroll unitsLAW.
                Information regarding the canton, legal person, or employment statusdoes not influence the selection of personal data. Instead, it affectsonly the output of the wage statements/pension statements.
                • Output options

                • Output language
                  You use the output language to control the language in which the textsections of the wage statement (type of benefits or comments) are output- either the logon language or the language stored in the system as thecommunication language for the employee.
                  Creation date
                  If you want to output a creation date other than the current date forthe wage statement, then enter the appropriate date here. The system
                  The system date is used as the default value, which you can overwrite.
                  Output medium
                  If you select the radio button ALV, you can create the form in thesystem as a table display for test purposes.
                  In the SAP system, the form HR_CH_LAW_2005_H (form with background)is used.
                  For technical reasons, the form is not exactly the same as the taxauthorities form.
                  To sort the form according to certain criteria, you can enter several ofthe following parameters in the field in succession:
                  - AB Department
                  - AH AHV number
                  - AK Payroll area
                  - BT Personnel subarea
                  - BU Company code
                  - JU Legal person
                  - KA Canton
                  - KS Cost center
                  - NV Last name, first name
                  - PG Person group
                  - WE Personnel area
                  - ZI Paying office 1
                  - Z2 Paying office 2
                  - Z3 Paying office 3
                  - AE Contact person for payroll unit
                  - PA Person responsible payroll (infotype 0001)
                  - PZ Person responsible time recording (infotype 0001)
                  - PP Person responsible human resources (infotype 0001)
                  Example: BTBUAK (Sorting according to personnel subarea, company code,payroll area)
                  Test forms
                  If you remove the identifier Test forms, you can enter data inthe Number of Test Forms field. You can generate up to nine testforms. The program then fills the output fields with test entries.

                  Origin of Data

                  • A - Wage statement

                  • B - Pension statement

                    • C - AHV number

                    • The program determines the AHV number from the Social Insurance CH
                      infotype (0036).
                      • C - Social Insurance Number

                      • The program determines the social insurance number from the infotypeSocial Insurance CH (0036).
                        • D - Year

                        • E From - To (wage period)

                        • The exact entry and leaving dates of the employee must be entered inthis line. You must enter the wage period even if the employee wasemployed for the entire year.
                          The data is printed according to the information you entered in thereport selection screen.
                          • F - Free transport between home and work

                          • G - Canteen catering

                          • Field H Address field

                          • The program determines the address data from the information in theAddresses infotype (0006).
                            • Line 1 ,,Wage/Pension

                            • Line 2 ,,Payments in kind

                            • Line 2.1,,Meals/Accommodation

                            • Line 2.2,,Company Car

                            • Line 2.3,,Other payments in kind

                            • Line 2.3,,Type of other payments in kind

                            • Line 3,,Irregular benefits

                            • Line 3,,Type of irregular benefits

                            • Line 4,,Capital payments

                            • Line 4,,Type of capital payments

                            • Line 5,,Employee stock options

                            • Line 6,,Payments for Supervisory Board members

                            • Line 7,,Other benefits

                            • Line 7 ,,Type of other benefits

                            • Line 8,,Gross wage total

                            • Line 9 ,,Contributions AHV/II/MCF/UI/NIAI

                            • Line 10 ,,Company pension fund, 2nd column

                            • Line 10.1,,Regular contributions

                            • Line 10.2,,Contributions Purchasing

                            • Line 11,,Net wage/pension

                            • Line 12,,Withholding tax deduction

                            • Line 13 ,,Expense payments

                            • Line 13.1,,Effective expenses

                            • Line 13.1.1,,Travel, meals, accommodation

                            • Effective expenses checkbox,,

                            • Line 13.1.2,,Other actual expenses,,,,

                            • Line 13.2,,Flat-rate expenses

                            • Line 13.2.1,,Representation expenses

                            • Line 13.2.2,,Car allowance

                            • Line 13.2.3,,Other flat-rate expenses ,,

                            • Line 13.3,,Training contributions

                            • Line 14,,More payments in kind

                            • Line 14,,Type of more payments in kind

                            • Line 15 ,,Comments

                            • Line 15,,Comments text

                            • Location and date

                            • The program determines the date from the entry in the selection screen.The location is determined from the associated payroll unit.
                              • Exact address and telephone number of the employer

                              • The program determines the employer information from the associatedpayroll unit.

1621668LAW: Form with field labels in German/French/English
1618753LAW 2005: Logical form is not evaluated
1615905Short text missing for error messages 5C 258 and 5C 259
1557328Wage statement:New BAdI for comment '1 of n Wage Statements'
1546403LAW2005: Smart Form form in English
1425517LAW 2005: Address w/ district (BAdI example implementation)
1371842LAW line 15: Comments with identical contents are missing
1364748LAW2005:Customer-spec. criteria for no./period of employment
1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines
1296710LAW2005: Various changes for Smart Form form
1289312LAW2005: Empty supplementary sheet for education costs
1285091LAW2005: Bar code does not contain enough data
1240922LAW2005: Wage statement with symbol PDF417
1267053LAW2005: Comm. "1 of n Wage Statements" for identical SI no.
1178415WS 2005: Adjustment to guidelines for wage data processing
1238106LAW2005: letter E and/or F incorrect for returning employees
1008751F&A wage statement RPLLAWC2
1155443LAW 2005: Umlauts in form HR_CH_LAW_2005_H replaced by #
1148887LAW 2005: Private expense company car/market value incorrect
1143654LAW2005: Figure 14 not aligned and texts in payroll unit
1139911New AHV number: Output on new wage statement
1131248LAW 2005: Incorrect language, output in employee's language
1121509WS 2005: Arithmetic symbol in Customizing is ignored
1125966LAW 2005: Wage type text incorrect if variabl assignmnt used
1010742LAW 2005: Assignment of retroactive payments and corrections
1104918LAW2005: Personnel number on wage statement
1121048LAW2005: Adjusting comment texts to guidelines (DE,IT,FR)
1083372LAW2005: Empty continuation sheet for RA in previous year
1080443LAW 2005: Spelling error / formatting of form background
1049164LAW 2005: Display of comments w/ overlength for mult payroll
1028240LAW 2005: Separator missing for large amounts
1040230LAW 2005: Incomplete comment for not included child benefits
1031526LAW2005: '$CANTON$' in notes with output language 'EN'
1024395LAW 2005: Typing error in form background (letter F)
1023053LAW2005: In note number/amount with value 0 is missing
1020728Wage statement 2005: Duplicate comments (w/ & w/out amt/no)
1019393LAW 2005: Supplmtry sheet texts overwrite employer's address
1010604Supplement for fiscal year change 2006/2007 Switzerland
1010135LAW 2005: Incorrect comment when overriding FAK in IT0036
968328LAW 2005:Training costs, comments w/ number/amount, rounding
982387LAW 2005: New form version (August 25, 2006)
924540LAW 2005: Replacement of old wage statement (RPLLAWC0)
965002No display of Canton and Date in French in Report RPLLAWC2
954665LAW 2005: Spelling error / formatting of form background
949896LAW 2005: Arrow next to net wage missing in form background
940873LAW 2005: Typing error in the form background beside field F
925762LAW 2005: Incorrect comment for the company car
924330HR-CH: WS 2005, incorrect specific for mid-month entry
829512HR-CH: Wage statement 2005 - Additions