Programme SAP RPLGARV0 - Norwegian garnishment report

Norwegian garnishment report RPLGARV0

This report is made to replace the two previous reports RPCTUSV0 andRPCPALV0.

Before using the report payroll should be run for the periods inquestion.


Following selections are available:

  • Standard PNP-selection

  • Radiobutton selection on which type of reporting is to be done, with
  • following possibilities:
    • Period selection:

    • Reporting period ( Paaleggstrekk is two-monthly)
      Reporting year
      • Program parameters:

      • Wagetype selection ( wagetypes to be reported)
        Payee selection
        Senders organisational number
        Payment method
        Checkbox for supression of / list
        Checkbox for test/no temse produced.
        The parameters under period selection and program parameters are allcoupled to the reproting type selected via the F4-help.

        When running online the report produses the output using the ALV-gridcontrols. On the left side of the screen a tree is prodused. On theright side the appropriate lists are shown. First list shown is asummary-list. Lists per payee can be shown chosing the accordingtab-strip and doubleclicking on the wanted payee in the tree on theleft side.
        When reporting type is Fagforeningstrekk there will also be totab-strips for the lists Avgang and Tilgang
        All lists produced in online mode can be edited, sorted, printed usingthe standard ALV-functionality.
        When running the report in batch mode, lists are prodused by using thestandard ALV-list. According to reporting type one list per payee, onetotal list , and eventually to lists showing Tilgang and Avgang areproduced.
        The user can also choose to have the report produce a TemSe-file of thegattered information.

1304341IBAN/SEPA: Norway country specific IBAN changes