Programme SAP RPLFAKC2 - HR-CH: Accounting of Family-Related Bonuses

This report supports payroll runs with the family equalization funds(FAK) of various cantons.

You can create the following different lists with the program (listformat A4Q):

  • Detailed calculation of family-related bonuses for each employee, with

  • total for each equalization fund
    • Detailed calculation of paid family-related bonuses for each employee,

    • with total per equalization fund
      In addition to normal list output, you can:
      • Send it as an email

      • Choose List->Save/Send in the menu.
        • Transfer to MS Excel

        • Select the control list checkbox in the report initial screen.
          This report supplements report RPLFAKC1 with a highly detailedevaluation of payroll data at the level of the individual child. Theprogram also outputs by bonus type and child number, and also thepayment amount and reimbursement amount.
          To maintain child data, you can go directly from the list screen toinfotype 0021 Family/Related Person:
          • By clicking once on the child's first name

          • By double-clicking on any part of the line containing child data
          • Processing control
            All payroll account records are read for each person within thespecified period. Retroactive accounting is taken into account inaccordance with the VERSION parameter. The amounts of the specified wagetypes are cumulated.

            Type of retroactive accounting
            Basically, all version parameter options can be used.
            Retroactive accounting runs cannot be displayed as such on the list, soyou are advised to set the parameter
            to VERSION FO.
            In particular, VERSION FR does not enable you to determine the year fromwhich the numbers in the individual months originate.
            The parameter controls the import of payroll results and theirassignment to periods.
            If a payroll run only has an original result, it is always assigned tothe payroll period (determined using table 549Q). If there are two ormore results in one payroll period (from retroactive accounting runstriggered by retroactive corrections), you must make a distinctionbetween the following terms:
            - IN period (the period IN which the original result was created)
            - FOR period (the period FOR which the correction was made)

            During the payroll run for June, a correction is processed for May. Thistriggers a retroactive accounting run. During the June payroll run, theresults for May are recalculated for this employee and stored as acorrection. You then have the following results (assuming that thepayroll period is a calendar month):
            ----Old----- ------------New---------------
            Result: Original May Correction May Original June
            IN period: 05 06 06
            FOR period: 05 05 06
            This shows that the IN period only fails to match the FOR period whenretroactive accounting takes place.

            Possible values and their effects:

            • F: The results appear in the period for which they were
            • calculated. The most recent results are always read. Upon generating alist with this control value, you must not perform retroactiveaccounting for the evaluated period (PU03). If you do, you must create anew list because these corrections will never be evaluated otherwise.
              • FR: Once again, the results are assigned to the FOR period.
              • Unlike the value described above, cross-period retroactive accounting isrecognized and handled as follows:
                a) Retroactive accounting runs that are performed in a reporting periodfor a period before the reporting period are displayed below the forperiod.
                b) Retroactive accounting runs for the reporting period that areperformed in a period after the reporting period are ignored. They onlyappear in the subsequent reporting period, under a).
                • FO: Reads the results as in version 'FR'. However, in case a)
                • (above), retroactive accounting runs for periods before the reportingperiod are added to the first reporting period (usually January).
                  • I: The system only reads results calculated in reporting periods
                  • with all their retroactive accounting runs. They are assigned to theperiod in which they were calculated; that is, at the time of payment.When viewing the generated lists, you must remember that a discrepancycan arise between the employment period and wage payment. If aretroactive payment is effected, for example, a "remuneration-free"employment period could be followed by a month with a very high amount.

                    Assign payroll results from retroactive accounting runs to periods usingdifferent criteria.

1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines
1174106FEF: Adj. Accounting of Family-Related Bonuses (RPLFAKC2)