Programme SAP RPLFAKC1 - HR-CH: Accounting of Family-Related Bonuses

This report supports the payroll run with the Family Equalization Fund
(FAK) for the various cantons.
Up to three lists are created: (List format A4Q)

  • - Detailed payroll calculation of the FAK for each employee, with

  • total per equalization fund
    • - Detailed payroll calculation of paid out family-related bonuses per

    • employee, with total per equalization fund
      • - Detailed list of the AHV-liable wage totals per employee, with

      • total per equalization fund
        • - Check of the period of employment per employee

        • Parameters:
          - VERSION How retroactive payroll is handled
          - LIST A List variant A = payroll
          - LIST B List variant B = payment
          - LIST K List variant K = period of employment check
          - LIST L List variant L = AHV-liable wage total
          Selection Options:
          - FAM-KAS Code for Family Equalization Fund(s)
          - L-AHVPFL Wage type(s) for AHV-liable wage totals
          This entry is only necessary for the old FAK.
          In the new procedure, use the wage type for FAK
          bases in the View FAK Contribution.
          - L-FZUL Family-related bonuses wage types(s)
          - L-AUSB Training bonus wage type(s)
          - L-INVA Invalidity bonus wage type(s)
          - L-GZUL Bonus after birth of child wage type(s)
          - L-HAUS Household bonus wage type(s)
          - 001 Company address
          - 001P Code of the Family Equalization Fund
          - 549Q Payroll period start and end date
          - 5C1N Name of the Family Equalization Fund
          Use the Selection-Option to limit the reporting to one or more FAKs
          All payroll account records are read for each employee that are within
          the specified time period; retroactive accounting is considered in line
          with the specifications in the VERSION parameters.
          The contributions of the specified wage types are cumulated.
          This only generates the lists that are requested using the
          LIST-x parameters.
          How retroactive payroll is handled
          Basically, all VERSION parameter options can be used.
          Since the list of retroactive accounting cannot be displayed as such,
          you should use the parameters with the VERSION FO.
          In particular, in VERSION FR, you cannot determine from which year
          the numbers in the individual months originate.

          The sublists

          • Payroll

          • AHV-liable

          • Employment

          • contain the following fields:
            Company code,,Company code,,Company code
            Family Equalization Fund,,Family Equalization Fund,,Family EqualizationFund
            AHV number,,AHV number,,AHV number
            Personnel number,,Personnel number
            Internal record type,,Internal record type
            Employment period,,Employment period
            BEGIN OF UPDATE

            Selection Option FAM-KAS
            Desired Family Equalization Fund(s)

            By specifying the FAK, you can limit the scope of the evaluation.
            Note the following:
            Since the FAK can only be determined in the payroll results for the
            individual months, the run time for individual funds is not
            significantly shorter.

            For the funds saved in the payroll results

            Selection Option L-AHVPFL
            AHV-liable pay total wage type(s)

            Selection Option L-AUSB
            Wage type(s) for paying training bonus

            Selection Option L-FZUL
            Wage type(s) for paying family-related bonus

            Selection Option L-GZUL
            Wage type(s) for paying bonus after birth of child

            Selection Option L-INVA
            Wage type(s) for paying disabled child bonus

            Selection Option L-KZUL
            Wage type(s) for paying child bonus

            Parameters UNTIL-MMYY
            Payroll period UNTIL

            End of the reporting period

            Must be filled
            Format MMYYYY

            - Set the end date PN/ENDDA
            - End of the import of results as of file PERG

            Parameter VERSION
            Handling retroactive accounting

            Controls the import of payroll results and the assignment to the
            If you only have the original result from a payroll run, this is always
            assigned to the payroll period determined in table 549Q.
            If you have two or more results within a payroll period (from
            retroactive accounting, resulting from corrections), you must
            differentiate between the following terms:
            - IN Period (the period in which the original was created)
            - FOR Period (the period for which the correction was made)
            For example:
            During the payroll run for June, you also process a correction for
            May. This triggers a retroactive accounting run.
            That is, during the June payroll run, the May results are
            recalculated for this employee, and stored as a correction.
            Afterwards, you have the following results (assuming the payroll
            period = calendar month)
            ----Old---- ---------New---------
            Result: Original-May Correction-May Original-June
            IN-Period: 05 06 06
            FOR-Period: 05 05 06
            This shows that there is only a difference between IN and FOR periods
            for retroactive accounting.

            Possible Values and their effects:
            F : The results appear in the period when they were calculated.
            The latest results are always read.
            Upon generating a list with this control, you cannot
            run retroactive accounting in this evaluated period (PU03).
            If you do, you must create a new list, since these
            corrections will never be evaluated.
            FR : Here, the results are assigned to the FOR period.
            Unlike the above instance, cross-period retroactive accounting
            is recognized and taken into account as follows:
            a) Retroactive accounting, calculated in reporting periods
            for periods before the reporting period, are displayed
            in your FOR period.
            b) Retroactive accounting for the reporting period,
            calculated in the period after the reporting period,
            are not taken into account. They only appear in the
            subsequent reporting period, under a).
            FO : Reads the results as in Version 'FR'. Only in the above case,
            a) retroactive accounting runs for periods before the reporting
            period are added to the first reporting period (usually
            I : Here, only results calculated in reporting periods with all
            retroactive accounting runs are read.
            They are assigned to the period when they were calculated.
            That is, at the time of payment.
            When viewing the generated lists, you must consider that
            a discrepancy can result between the employment period
            and the wage payment (for example, for arrears payments,
            an unpaid employment period, and a month with high income).

            Assign the payroll results from retroactive accounting to the periods
            in line with various conditions.

            Parameter FROM-MMYYYY
            Payroll period FROM

            Start of the reporting period

            Must be filled.
            Format MMYYYY

            - Set the start date PN/BEGDA
            - Start the import of results from file PERG

1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines
1175428Revision of the report documentation
1159474"New AHV number": Adjusting accounting of family-rel bonuses