Programme SAP RPLELMC0 - Data Extractor for Uniform Wage Notification Procedure (ELM)

With this program you start the yearly wage notification process, usingthe uniform wage notification procedure (ELM).
The program extracts the required data for a company and creates a newprocess in the B2A manager that you can use to further process the wagenotification.
The program may only be used productively when the wage program has beencertified by swissdec. This was not the case at the time of delivery.
In the SAP Notes for the component PY-CH you may be able to search forup-to-date information on the certification status and more up-to-datedocumentation using the search term 'ELM'.

You have entered all required master data and run payroll for theperiods of the calendar year to be notified.


Creating Wage Notifications

  • In the Selection and Period area always enter the enterprise and
  • the payroll year for the wage notification. You can optionally use otherparameters.
    • First create the wage notification in test run and check the results.
    • Solve any errors. The Other Details area contains variousparameters for analyzing problems and for the test.
      • Create the wage notification in the production run (Test Run
      • indicator not set).

        Processing With the B2A Manager

        • After a successful production run, choose the button to go to the B2A
        • Manager and process the wage notification.
          • If required, use the menu of the B2A Manager to change the country
          • grouping to 02 (Switzerland).
            • In the field Area, select the value ELM and in the field
            • Document Type, select 003 (the standard document type forELM). The system displays a list of all wage notifications that are notyet completed.
              • Select the new entry created by the data extractor with the status
              • New, Ready to Supplement.
                You can use the Execute pushbutton to manually supplement thewage notification. You can select the wage notification as incompletefor certain final recipients. You can also define notes and CC addressesfor data copies via the distributor.
                Use the Display pushbutton to check the current content of thenotification.
                • Select the entry again and use the Status pushbutton to set the
                • next status. You have two alternatives:
                  If all recipients are to be supplied using EIV, choose the follow-onstatus In Process, Rdy to Sign<(>&<)>Download(EIV).
                  With the EIV procedure, you download the signed instance document andmanually supply the final recipient (for example, upload or post).Select the entry again and choose the Execute pushbutton tocreate a signed wage notification.
                  As soon as the wage notification is created, the status changesaccordingly. You can then download the wage notification by selectingthe entry, choosing the Display pushbutton, and in the followingprocess data overview double-clicking the "XML: Signed Wage Notification..." entry.
                  You then have the option of manually changing the status to document theprogress of the manual activities.
                  If recipients are to be supplied using a distributor via PIV, choose thefollow-on status In Process, Rdy to Sign<(>&<)>Send(E+PIV).
                  Note: For this variant it is possible to download a copy of the wagenotification sent to the distributor in case some of the finalrecipients need to be supplied via EIV.
                  Select the entry again and choose the Execute pushbutton to sendthe wage notification to the distributor via the Internet.
                  After sending successfully, the system directly queries the processingstatus at the distributor. If required, change the status and choose the"Execute" pushbutton to query the status at regular intervals until thenotification is either accepted or rejected.
                  If this is successful, the process reaches the status "Compl.
                  <(>&<)>Release". By selecting and executing, the screen with therequired information for completion and release appears:
                  If you select the icons in the notifications column, you see therecipient's notifications in detail.
                  Double-clicking on the link opens a browser with previously filledaccess data for completing and releasing the notification at the finalrecipient. If this does not work, you can also show the column with akey and password on the UI and manually copy and insert the URL, key,and password.
                  On leaving, the system asks you whether the completion was successfuland automatically sets a suitable follow-on status.
                  Note: You can also see the completion and release information forcompleted releases using the process data display.
                  • B2A Manager Tips

                  • You can use the pushbutton in the Note column to define comments
                  • or notes for the current process step.
                    • You can use the pushbutton in the History Exists for Data Record
                    • column to expand the entry so that you see all process steps thatbelong to a process. If you then select a process step and choose theDisplay pushbutton, the process data overview for the processstep appears. An icon appears in the Process Data column ifprocess data exists for the step. If a process step does not have anydata, the data from the oldest previous step with data is displayed.
                      • You use the Interop. Test pushbutton in the process data overview
                      • to open a new window that you can use to test the interoperability withthe distributor (for example, before sending the wage notification).

                        Notes on Fulfilling the Obligation for Retaining Information
                        You are obliged to store a copy of the signed XML file with the datathat you have filed. After you file a wage notification, you can save acopy as follows:
                        Open the history.
                        Select the step with the status In Processing, Wage NotificationSent.
                        Choose Display.
                        In the process data overview, double-click the entry XML: SignedWage Notification (DeclareSalaryDeferred).
                        Save the file.
                        You can access all process data (in particular, the signed XML file withthe wage data reported) until such time as you delete the entries in theB2A Manager's status tables and the corresponding process data in TemSe.
                        The retention period for TemSe files depends on the object ID in thecharacteristic TEMSE. The object ID (OBJKN) for ELM is CELMC0. Werecommend that you set the retention period to 10 years and that youdownload and save an additional copy of the signed file in a separateplace.

1548508ELM: "End date" earlier than "Start date"
1542496ELM: Error 'TransformerException' during processing in PI
1537130ELM: AHV/UI-exempt wages missing for several company codes
1450651ELM/BFS: Documntatn for data elemnts and report RPLBGAC1_ELM
1440053ELM: Excluding personnel numbers for individual domains
1443717ELM: Incorrect leaving date after change of legal person
1285833ELM: Err for WHT liability 1 if place of residence is abroad
1431412ELM: Totals duplicated in XML if many PY units per recipient
1431704ELM: Wage statement/tax for pensioners cannot be reported
1427430ELM: Incorrect content in <Certificate> for status query
1399654ELM: Layout for display of completion data missing
1397958Customizing activities for ELM, statistics area
1260657Delivery Uniform Wage Notification Procedure (ELM)
1357184ELM: IMG doc. adjusted due to possible use in prod. system
1309527ELM: Invalid nationality in XML for stateless employees
1313006ELM/BFS: Cumulation wage types with number (hours/lessons)
1285589ELM: runtime error in data extractor during background proc.
1279016ELM: Insurance ID or response ID in lower case