Programme SAP RPLEAT00 - Employees who Have Entered and/or Left the Company

This report creates a list of employees who entered or left the companywithin a certain period.
You can select any period. The system suggests a default from Otherperiod.
You determine when the employee enters and/or leaves using theirpersonnel number. If you want to obtain an overview of severalemployees, enter the corresponding personnel number or personnel numberinterval in Selection. You can also limit your selection throughentries in the personnel area, personnel subarea,employee group and employee subgroup fields.
You can mark the desired evaluation option in additionalspecifications:

  • Employee enters

  • Employee leaves

  • Employee enters or leaves

  • Employee enters and leaves

  • For information on how to use the further selections,matchcodes, and sort selection options, see the ReportSelection Screen in the HR System documentation in the SAP Library.

    The data for the selected period is displayed as a table controlaccording to the chosen evaluation options. The, Name
    , Employment, Leg.person, Entry, and/orLeaving columns are filled in the standard system.
    The reporting period is specified above the table. The number ofevaluated employees is listed after the table under reconciliationtotal.
    You can edit and export the table. For more detailed information, seethe SAP Library.