Programme SAP RPLBIAF0 - Individual borderau for training access

Issue of the training access individual summary (BIAF)

The BIAF is a compulsory document that the employer must present to theemployee upon termination of his or her temporary work contract, withthe exception ofthe following contract types:

  • apprenticeship contract,

  • orientation contract,

  • qualification or adaptation contract

  • temporary work contract concluded with a young person during his or her
  • school or university career
    solidarity employment contract
    SAP provides an automated issue of this summary.

    Information concerning the employee are produced in
    table PERNR for the personnel number,
    infotype 'Identity'(0002) for his or her name and christian name,
    infotype 'Social data'(0064) for his or her Social Insurancenumber and
    infotype 'Addresses'(0006) for his or her address.
    The address of the combination company/establishment must be set in theactivityAddresses of the employer
    of the implementation guide.

    Information relating to the certified joint agency to which the employeris affiliated is to be entered into the selection screen. The name andaddress of the agency must be entered.
    The date of issue of the BIAF must also be specified in the selectionscreen.

    The document is printed in two stages: the front page first, followed byback.
    You may display a list of error messages using the button created forthis purpose in the results screen.