Programme SAP RPLAHVC1 - HR-CH: AHV pay statement

This report generates the official pay statement for the AHV [Pension,Disability and Surviving Dependents' Insurance] and the list of personsand wage totals exempt from AHV. The system outputs the following lists:
Pay statement with the data relevant for the AHV for each employee
AHV-exempt persons/wage totals for the pay statement
Persons who must pay maternity insurance in the canton of Geneva
Concurrent employments in different company codes or payroll units
Address list of all payroll units
In addition you can call up a list to control the employees' employmentperiods.
The general list of concurrent employments helps you to control therelevant personnel numbers, as these personnel numbers are not printedsequentially (due to the sort).
The following data is printed on the pay statement:
,,,,Insured person's number or date of birth
,,,,Last name, first name
,,,,Personnel number
,,,,From to (contribution period)
,,,,AHV-liable wage
,,,,UI [Unemployment Insurance] wage total
,,,,UI supplement-liable wage
,,,,AHV-exempt wage total (only list two)
,,,,UI-exempt wage total (only list two)
,,,,Wage liable to maternity insurance (MI wage)
,,,,Gender of employee
Wage type /42Y MI-liable period wage is used to calculate the MIwage. If nobody is liable to MI, no list of MI-liable persons is output.

For each person, the system reads all wage account records that fallwithin the specified period. Retroactive accountings are taken intoaccount according to VERSION control. The values of the relevant wagetypes are totaled up.
The wage types used for determining the wage data are taken from theview V_T5CS1 for the application keys AHV, UI, and ALV supplement.

List structure
The basic lists (see above) are sorted according to:
Company code
Payroll unit AHV/UI
AHV account number
Type of list
Employment period
The supplementary list for controlling the employment periods is sortedaccording to:
Company code
Personnel number
Employment period
Separate partial lists are printed for each payroll unit. Each listbegins with page one.


  • In order to determine period of employment correctly for hourly wage
  • earners, the system uses the accumulated days qualifying for socialinsurance coverage in a month from payroll. If such days are registered,the employee is considered as employed even though all amounts in thisperiod are zero.
    • UI-exempt amounts include the wage totals liable for UI supplement and
    • the wage totals that exceed the UI supplement delimitation.
      • During payroll, the feature CHFI0 determines the payroll unit AHV/UI for
      • each personnel number. The payroll unit is stored in the calculationtable SI. The payroll unit valid at the time of reporting is determinedfor each personnel number in the wage statement. If this payroll unitvaries from that at the time of payroll, a warning appears. In additionto the pay statement, a warning list is printed. Generally, theevaluation is carried out according to the payroll units that are validat the time of the evaluation.
        • Unpaid absences, which do not qualify as days for SI coverage, are
        • handled and displayed in the list as equivalent to an entry/leaving.

1537130ELM: AHV/UI-exempt wages missing for several company codes
1430302AHV pay stmnt: Addtl display of birth date for liable wages
1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines
1287569ELM/AHV: UI-free wage in AHV statement and XML 2008
1257061YELC 2008/2009 Switzerland - advance overview notice
1175428Revision of the report documentation
1156274"New AHV Number": Adjusting AHV pay statement (RPLAHVC1)
1154785New AHV Number: Adjustment name master data maintenance
1135612Advance notice: Changes for "New AHV Number"
1120369FYC 2007/2008: Social ins chgs for minimum wage, 2nd job