

You run the SAP/SMP/SPP and OAP/OMP/OPP Payment Sheet Report to

  • Extrapolate projected SAP/SMP/SPP and OAP/OMP/OPP payments during
  • future period of absence, and produce a projection of earnings beforean employee commences a statutory absence. See also Prerequisites
    • Assist you in completing SAP2, SMP2 and SPP2 forms for absence payments
    • already made to employees
      You can use the output of the program to report the actual SxP paymentamounts on these forms.
      • Present a letter to an employee with an estimation of earnings before
      • they commence their adoption, maternity or paternity leave.
        Report RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_PAY_SHEET does not report on Statutory Sick Pay(SSP) or Occupational Sick Pay (OSP) payments.

        In order to provide an employees projected earnings for an absence, youmust have the following data in your system:

        • An infotype Absences (2001) record

        • An infotype SAP/SMP/SPP (0088) record
        • Integration
          Report RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_PAY_SHEET is one of the Payroll Great Britainabsence reporting tools you can use to manage your absence processing.
          To view documentation on the other PY-GB absence reporting tools, clickon the links under See also, below.


          Maintain your required selection criteria for reportRPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_PAY_SHEET as described under Activities.

          You can choose to output this report in either an ABAP List Viewer (ALV)Temporary Sequential (TemSe) format.
          If you would like to run this program for a large number of employeesand check the results, it could exceed your online run time. In thiscase, you may wish to run the program in batch mode and generate aTemSefile.

          Choose your selection criteria in the Period and Selectiongroup boxes.
          In the group box Other, set the Projected paymentsindicator if you wish to produce a projection of earnings for theemployee before he or she commences the absence.
          Maintain the specified absence type in the field Att./Absence type
          The values for the Absence reason field correspond to data entered oninfotype Absences (2001), in the field Illness code(P2001-UMSKD).
          In the Input options group box, you can opt to run this reportfor selected TemSe files previously created. You must specify therelevant file in the field TemSe object and set the TemSeinput indicator.
          Choose your output option for RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_PAY_SHEET.
          Select the ALV Output radio button to output your report data inABAP List Viewer format.
          You use the Layout (display variant) field to choose yourpreferred display format for the ALV output list. (For example, theorder of columns in the list and predefined sort criteria or filterconditions, and so on.)
          Note: You must have previously saved your own display variants to selectthem using the Layout field.
          Select the TemSe Output radio button to output your report dataas Temporary Sequential (TemSe) files.
          The field Object identifier contains the name of the TemSe filepreviously created by this report.
          Execute Report RPLABSG0_SXP_OXP_PAY_SHEET.

          See also:
          Absence Costs
          Absence Spells Analysis (Bradford Factor)
          Absence Pattern Analysis
          Absence Data Overview
          SxP and OxP Absences Calendar
          SxP Exclusions
          SxP/OxP Entitlements Left
          SxP/OxP Entitlement History
          SxP/OxP Entitlement Band Changes
          SxP/OxP Scheme Overview