Programme SAP RPLABSG0_GPNAB_TO_XNAB - GPNAB -> XNAB convertion

This program converts the marks in the Payroll Structure COVER inPayroll Cluster PCL2 from a GB specific data model to the Internationaldata model.
The GB data model was necessary while the International data modelcould not handle more than one record per day for any employee (i.e.the processing could not handle part day absences). The GB model splitthe 100 character mark into 5 submarks (each 20 characters). Thisimplied that the GB model could handle upto 5 part day records in anyone day.
These additional 5 submarks are only used if clients have activated"Part Day" processing in the Scheme Switches table (T5GPBS29). So ifyou have never activated Part Day processing for any of your schemesthen this program does not need to be run and an information messagewill be displayed to that effect.
This program should only be run, if you have decided to move to theInternational Standard (XNAB) in payroll. The global switch (usedthroughout Payroll, Time Data and Reporting of Absence Evaluation) mustbe set to activate XNAB and de-activate GPNAB before this program canbe run.

If at any time you need to revert to the "old" solution, you can re-setthe switch and re-run the STD Go Live Program RPLABSG0_GO_LIVE for allyour employee's that have had part days activated for the AbsenceEvaluation Scheme. This is only meant as a "disaster recovery" optionand should only be used as a last resort and after consulting with SAPUK and SAP AG via OSS.

The global switch to activate the old processing of the payrollfunction GPNAB must de-activated (Table T77S0: HRPSG/GPNAB).
You should have activated Part Day processing for at least one of yourschemes for at least some point in history to make it necessary to runthis program. Check your scheme switches (Table T5GPBS29).

Select the employees to process as you would for any other report, butmake certain that you convert ALL the history that each employeemay have on the payroll cluster by selecting the appropriate daterange. (i.e. from your earliest absence loaded into the Absencesinfotype (2001) that has actually been converted using the Go Liveprogram RPLABSG0_GO_LIVE to the last day that has beenpayrolled.)

The output of the report is in three parts.
Firstly, Personnel Numbers that need to be converted and eitherhave been or not depending on whether the UPDATE checkbox has been"ticked" or not. [If the detailed Daily Breakdown checkbox hasbeen "ticked", a daily breakdown of the conversion is displayed givinga "before and after" picture.]
Secondly, Personnel Numbers that do not need to be converted asthey have already been converted or did not require conversion as theyhad never had a part day absence that required or caused the use ofmany submarks in a mark.
Thirdly, Personnel Numbers that do not need to be converted asthey have not had any absences that have been subject to the rules ofAbsence Evaluation and so they have no records on the payroll clusterto convert.
Part 1) TITLE: CONVERTED Personnel Numbers or UNCONVERTED PersonnelNumbers
Part 2) TITLE: UNCHANGED Personnel Numbers
Part 3) TITLE: UNAFFECTED Personnel Numbers

1) Run the program in TEST mode (i.e. without the Update Database
checkbox ticked). Resolve ANY errors before proceeding to the nextstage.
2) See which employees are affected and then run them in DETAILED modeto see that you are happy with the conversion.
3) Then run the program in UPDATE mode. Once you have run in UPDATEmode the only way to reverse the situation is to run the Go Liveprogram see above.