Programme SAP RPIWPBN0 - Addition of "PW" Act Activities (Infotype 0764)

This report is used to create a batch input session for a group ofpersons, to add one or more activities to infotype Perm. InvalidityBen. (Restrictions) Act Netherlands (0764).

The report creates a batch input session, which adds the selectedactivities to the infotype Perm. Invalidity Ben. (Restrictions) ActNetherlands (0764) [Poortwachter].
After the addition, the infotype must:

  • Be regenerated if a mandatory or statutory activity has been added. The
  • system determines the latest date of the activity when the infotype isgenerated.
    • Be changed, if a free activity has been added. In this case the case
    • manager changes the latest date.
      In principle, both actions are performed by the case manager(s), usingthe Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions)Act/Consistency Monitor (
      The following limitations apply to the activities:
      • A statutory or mandatory activity may only occur once in an infotype
      • record. If a statutory or mandatory activity already exists, theactivity is not included in the batch input session.
        • Since more data is required and automatically added for SAP activities,
        • they are not entered using this report.
          • If a free activity with a blank latest date already exists in an
          • infotype record, you are not allowed to add extra similar activities.

            Besides the standard selection options, several options that arespecific to the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit(Restrictions) Act [Poortwachter] are available.
            Under the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions)Act (Poortwachter) activity code, you can specify which activities needto be entered.
            Select multiple entry if free activities may occur more than once in theinfotype.
            After you have checked the output of the report, select BI to actuallycreate the Batch Input.

            The report updates infotype Perm. Invalidity Ben. (Restrictions) ActNetherlands (0764) for the selected personnel numbers andcreates the necessary messages.
            Select Display Application Log (+<(><<)>F2>) to requestmore information about a message.