Programme SAP RPIISVN0 - Conversion of Infotype Social Insurance NL (0059)

This report is used to copy infotype Social Insurance NL (0059)to a new record with start date 1 January 2006, within the framework ofthe introduction of the Health Insurance Act [Zvw].
In the first instance, a value is assigned to the Health Insurance Actcode, depending on the conversion rule from infotype Fiscal Data NL
If the conversion rule in infotype Fiscal Data NL (0060) hasvalue "0", "A", "D", "F", or is blank, theHealth Insurance Act code becomes equal to "C" ("CompulsoryInsurance, Normal Rate").
In all other cases, the Health Insurance Act code is filled with "A
" ("No Compulsory Insurance; Person Is Not Insured under "AWBZ"").
In addition, the data in fields SI Day, SI Method and"UVI" Special Indicator is deleted, because it will no longer beused after 1 January 2006.
Finally, data can also be deleted, subject to the selection criteriaentered on the selection screen.
A Batch Input Session is created when the report is run. By running thisBIM, you can the make the changes in the infotypes.


The selected persons must not have an infotype record with a start dateon or after 1 January 2006. For these persons, the correct data for 2006must be converted in a different way.
Furthermore, the persons for whom the infotype is delimited (with enddate prior to 1 January 2006) are not processed. For these persons, arecord will (probably) no longer be necessary for 2006.
Only activate option Delete Insurance Data in IT 0264 if you havealso set the view indicator for infotype Personal Data (0002).The report does not take into account whether the view indictor has beenset via features other than Country Grouping. The system only deletesvalues in IT 0264 if IT 0059 has not been converted.

The following selection options are available:

  • For period selection specify which infotype records must be selected.

  • If more than one infotype record exists within the specified period, thelast applicable record will always be converted.
    • You must also specify the personal or organizational selection criteria
    • (personnel numbers, legal person and payroll area) for the personselections.
      • You can use option Del.Priv.Ins.Contr. to specify whether or not
      • to delete all contribution data. This applies to the following fields:
        "ZKV" Group and Contribution Scale
        "ZKV" Contribution
        ER Contribution to "ZKV"
        Deducted Contribution
        • You can use option Delete Insurer to specify whether or not to
        • delete all insurer data. This applies to the following fields:
          Registration Number
          • You can use option Delete Insurance Data in IT 0264 to delete all
          • insurance data from the view to infotype Family NL (0264) forinfotype Family/Related Person (0021). The system processes allrecords valid on or after 1 January 2006. This applies to the followingfields:
            Health Insurance [ZKV] Group
            Health Insurance [ZKV] Contribution Scale
            • You can use parameters SI Group ... Replace by ... to specify
            • that an SI group will be replaced by another SI group in the newinfotype 0059.
              • A Batch Input Session (BIS) is created by default.

              • Batch Input Session parameters. Specify the BIS name, as well as the
              • name of the user creating the BIS (e.g. the system administrator).

                In the first place, the report contains all persons who were correctlyprocessed. Both the old value (red columns) and the new value are given.
                Besides the correctly processed persons, the application log alsospecifies which persons have not been correctly processed, and why.
                Note that the system will only display a message in the application logfor any changes made to infotype Family NL.