Programme SAP RPIGA0E0 - Calculation annual taxable income

This program estimates the taxable income of the selected employees andmaintains the 'Payment' fields in the 'Tax Data' infotype (0062). Thedata in this infotype is used in the payroll calculation process tocalculate employment tax deductions in the employee payrolls.
To make the estimate, program RPIGA0E0 runs the payroll (programRPCALCE0) in simulation mode for all the periods to be estimated.
The flexible functionality of the program allows various changingsituations to be taken into account and resolved automaticallythroughout the employee's time in the system, situations that affect hisor her past (retroactive accounting) and future employment tax type.
To do this, the program
corrects infotype 62 master data, making the cut-off dates when itdetects a situation change, either past or future;
adjusts all cut-off dates in infotype 62 according to existing payrollresults or according to the payroll simulation.

The program functionality covers:

  • income estimates through payroll simulation

  • correction of past and future master data in infotype 62, taking into
  • account the cut-offs made by the user
    • quick execution
    • Selection parameters
      The general information required to select a group of employeesaccording to the usual HR program criteria can be found of the selectionscreen: personnel number, personnel area etc, as well as the specificinformation required to carry out the simulation. For more detailedinformation, see F1 help for each field.

      Two types of execution logs are available.

      • List: the results of the estimate are displayed in a list, with the
      • option of expanding by period, or consulting only the annual totals. Ifyou have selected the option to include infotype 0090 results, an extracolumn will be displayed for this purpose.
        • Payroll protocol: although program RPIGA0E0 has its own protocol, the
        • simulation payroll result log may be useful. Only one per employee canbe requested.

          Additional information
          For further, detailed information, see consulting note no. 161969.

1634861IGA: wrong batch input data in consequence of note 1624940
1560177IRPF: RPIGA0E0 not considering the Ren Irregular(18,3) value
1624940IGA: wrong values in the Prev. amt column on the log display
1605231Limit of EUR 120.000,00 for irregular incomes(18.2) II
1548442SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-2
877922HR SP ES26: Cambio 20
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1552937RPIGA0E0: checking limit of reduction to irregular income
1493127IRPF: Correction on extension of work activity calculation
1525809Avoiding negative deductions on Fiscal Data infotype (IRPF)
1497060Avoiding negative settlement basis for employment tax (IRPF)
1469819Problems on IGA's log when copying some payments of IT0062
1448890IGA: Batch-Input generates invalid data for infotype 62
1442376Wrong information in Incomes estimation report's log
1254571CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas Version 2
1420913IRPF - Incompatible reasons 9, 10 and 11 for regularization
1370870Problems with IRPF estimation to the Basque Country
1330608Wrong eventual incomes simulation for RPIGA0E0
1319477ES28.10: Corrections at Batch Input of RPIGA0E0
1329040ES28.10: Error in Batch Input data generated by RPIGA0E0
1256665ES28.6: New option for eventual incomes calc. in RPIGA0E0
942871HR SP ES26: Cambio 85
957187HR SP ES26: Cambio 104
894461HR SP ES26: Cambio 36
845578HR SP ES25: Cambio 51
835935HR SP ES 25. Cambio 44
668672HR SP ES24: CAMBIO 08
640549HR SP ES24 - Contenido - Content Description
644846HR SP ES24: Cambio 01
161969CONSULT.: Estimación anual de ingresos gravables
638217CONSULT: Nueva funcionalidad del report RPIGA0E0
530216CONSULT: Arrastre de ingresos/gastos en la estimación
591150HR SP ES23: Cambio 20
598835CONSULT.: Rechazos en función de nómina EST00
351555CONSULT: Regl. de IRPF, RD de 20 de octubre de 2000
497303HR SP ES21 - Cambio 11