Programme SAP RPIFBBN0 - Batch input for creation of infotype General Benefits Data (0171)

Use this program to create a Batch Input Session (BIS) for the creationof infotype General Benefit Data (0171).

Before this report can be executed, it is important that features BAREA,BENGR and BSTAT have been set up. You must also enter new selection andvalidity periods for every new selection period.

In addition to the normal PNP options such as personnel area andemployee group, you can enter the start date of the infotype records inthe Valid from field under "Other Data".
Select the Create BIS option to create a BIS.
The Name of Batch Input Session will be the name underwhich the BIS will be saved in transaction SM35.
In the User Identification field, enter the name of theuser that is to be recorded as the authorized user of the BIS.

If you have selected the Create BIS option, a Batch InputSession will be created.
You will also be given an overview of all employees for whom a record ofinfotype 0171 will be registered if you run the BIS.