Programme SAP RPIEZOD0 - One-Time Payment for Standard Pay Increase

One-Off Payment for Standard Pay Increase in Public Sector

This report calculates the one-off payment for a standard pay increasein the Public Sector. You can also create a batch input session toenter the corresponding wage type in the 'Additional Payments'infotype.
The report parameters Start of and End of entitlement period
determine the period for the one-off payment. In the Amount ofone-off payment field, enter the amount, in the Wage typefield, enter the corresponding wage type, and in the Date of cashpayment field, enter the date on which the payment is effected.
The one-off payment is reduced proportionally for each month duringwhich the employee does not receive payments from a public sectoremployee. In the Unpaid absences field, enter all absences thatare unpaid, for example, parental leave.
In the Absence type for sickness field, enter all absence typesfor which the 'End continued pay', and 'Start' and 'End' of sick paysupplement are important.


In addition to the standard selection conditions of the logicaldatabase PN/P, you can also select according to pay scale typeand pay scale area.

General data for one-off payment for pay increase 1999:
Start of entitlement period: 01.01.1999
End of entitlement period: 31.03.1999
Date of cash payment: 01.04.1999
Amount of one-off payment: 300DM
Wage type: 1234
Unpaid absences: 0500, 0600, 0610, 0620
Absence type for sickness: 0200