Programme SAP RPIEWT02 - Reorganize Table TEXLGA (Employee Expenditures)

This report deletes records from table TEXLGA (transfer externalwage types such as canteen data).
You can specify selection criteria for all of the fields in tableTEXLGA, and choose a maximum of 10 of the table's 31 fieldsto be included in a list.


  • A list of the deleted records according to the program mode and the
  • columns selected.
    • Displayed in log:

    • Number of selected records.
      Number of deleted records.

      Each month, you want to delete the external wage types from tableTEXLGA that were processed successfully over 120 days ago. Youalso want to print a list of the relevant business administrationdata for documentary purposes.
      Schedule a periodic background job for the report which startsonce a month.
      You must define a variant.

      • Program mode

      • Test run without deletion: __ (no)
        List output: X (yes)
        Field selection for list output: (use standard setting)
        • Last access:

        • Log status: 1 (ie. successful)
          User: __
          Date: (selection variable)
          Using variant attributes you can define the dynamic calculation for theemployee output date (logical date, field name LDATE). You can usethe system variant SAP&REORG_TEST as a template. Using thisvariant, the report is started in test mode and does not delete anyrecords.