Programme SAP RPICDSN0 - Batch Input Session to Introduce New Prof. Group Codes for IT0409

On 1 January 2004, the Body Implementing Insurance Schemes Cadansintroduced new Professional Group Codes.

  • For the Retail Trade & Crafts and Chain Store and Cleaning

  • sectors, the Professional Group Codes from 001 up to and including029 have been increased by 100, i.e. 101 up to and including 129.
    • For the Care and Welfare sector, codes 021 up to and including
    • 099 have been increased by 200, i.e. 221 up to and including 299.
      The new Professional Group Codes can be found in Section 4.2Professional Group Code of the following brochures:
      • Manual for completing Social Insurance Notifications for the Retail
      • Trade & Crafts, Chain Store and Cleaning sectors.
        • Manual for completing Social Insurance Notifications for the Care
        • and Welfare sector.

          The Professional Group Code for the Body Implementing Insurance SchemesCadans is saved in the Professional Group Code field of infotype External Agencies NL (0409).
          Because the Professional Group Code was replaced on 01.01.2004,you must delimit the above-mentioned infotype as of 31.12.2003 andcreate a new infotype record as of 01.01.2004 with the new Professional

          Group Code.

          This report is used to create a batch input session. By running thesession, the infotype records are delimited and new ones created.

          No period is required to select persons. All records ofinfotype External Agencies NL (0409)in the system are checked. You can use Further selections
          to access supplementary criteria.
          Furthermore, you must the specify the BIS name, as well as the users ID.


          The report generates a batch input session, as specified on the
          selection screen under Additional Data.