Programme SAP RPDTWKN0 - Delete retroactive SI notifications from T5N1T

Delete Retroactive Social Insurance Notifications from Table T5N1T

This report enables you to delete the Retroactive Social InsuranceNotifications (MSV-TWK) from table NSI: Data Records Created(Retro.) (T5N1T).
The following selection criteria are applicable:

  • Representing Legal Person

  • Personnel Number

  • Period

  • STATUS of the Notifications

  • By default this selection deletes notifications with status 1 (Sent toGAK) and status 4 (Sent to Cadans).
    By default the system starts the report in test mode. If you switch offthis option, the selected notifications are permanently deleted fromthe table.
    You can either write the deleted notifications to screen, to file or toboth.

    You can select which notifications should be deleted from table T5N1T.