Programme SAP RPDLGA20 - Use of wage types in payroll

You can use this report to get an overview of thewage type characteristicsfor all primary andsecondary wage types thatyou use in your system. In this way, you can compare the wage typecharacteristics for different wage types.



You can only use this report to evaluate the wage type characteristicsthat determine the behaviour of a wage type in Payroll,and not the wage type characteristics which define the behaviour ofa wage type in online processing.
The report displays the following:

  • the meaning of the wage type characteristics

  • wage types, for which one wage type characteristic is used

  • wage types, for which one wage type characteristic has the same
  • specification
    • personnel areas, which belong to the selected country grouping
    • Selection
      The following selection criteria are available:

      • Country grouping

      • Here, you specify the country for which you want to create the wagetype utilization list.
        • Wage type

        • Here, you can restrict the evaluation to one or several wage typeswhich are relevant for you.
          • Wage type validity

          • In the wage type utilization list, all the wage types are displayedwhich are valid within the period specified here.
            • Display logical views

            • If you select this field when displaying the results as a table or treestructure for the processing classes, evaluation classes and cumulationwage types, the logical view is displayed in which you can process therespective wage type characteristic. If the logical view can bemaintained using the Implementation Guide (IMG), the relevant IMGactivity is displayed in the list. You can also navigate to thisactivity from the table or tree structure.

              The following options can be selected for printing: tables, a treestructure or a continuous list.
              If you want to have a complete where-used list, you should use the treestructure or the continuous list to print the results. However, thestructure of the tree structure and the continuous list is moretime-consuming, as the system must determine all the information forall the subnodes or sublevels before displaying.
              For example, if you are only interested in using individual processingclasses in wage types, we recommend that you print the results usingtables. Displaying the results using tables is less time-consuming,because the system only determines the relevant information when goingto the next level.

              If you have chosen to display the selection results in tables, you cannavigate to a table entry in the next level with a double-click.
              You can expand and close the selected branch in the tree structure.
              In order to process a logical view from the wage utilization list, youproceed as follows:
              RESET N1
              Place your cursor on a processing class, evaluation class or cumulationwage type and choose Logical View.
              You access the screen Maintain Wage Types using the IMG.
              Access the relevant IMG activity by double-clicking on the line IMGaccess: ....
              RESET N1
              Tree structure
              Expand the entry Logical Views - Maintain Using the IMG for aprocessing class, evaluation class or cumulation wage type.
              Access this activity by double-clicking on the red underlined name ofan IMG activity.

1646254Canton of Vaud/PCFam: Different basis for Q4/2011
1237064Specification '-' of processing classes 62 and 63
369934FAQ: US Garnishment Processing
440563HR-APF: Jahresw. 2001/02 / Euroumstellung der Pfändung
381720TAX: New technical gross wage types for Health Tax.