Programme SAP RPDKON00 - Wage Type Assignment - Display G/L Accounts

You can display the assignment of wage typesto G/L Accounts using this report.
This assignment is not made directly, but is always made using asymbolic account and theemployee grouping for theaccount determination.

You must assign wage types to G/L accounts in PayrollCustomizing under Reporting for Posting Payroll Results toAccounting.

  • To assign symbolic accounts to the wage types, choose Activities in
  • the HR System -> Maintain Wage Types -> Define PostingCharacteristics of Wage Types. Here you can enter a processing typein order to assign posting characteristics of a wage type to thefollowing business processes:
    Posting payroll results to Accounting
    Posting month end accruals
    Sending personnel cost data to Cost Planning
    • To define the employee grouping for the account determination, choose
    • Activities in the HR System -> Employee Grouping/SymbolicAccounts -> Define Employee Grouping Account Determination.
      • To assign G/L accounts to the symbolic accounts based on the employee
      • grouping for the account determination, choose Assign Accounts.


        You can restrict the area which is included in the evaluation using thefollowing selection criteria:

        • Country grouping

        • Wage type

        • Company code

        • As Customizing for wage types is time-dependent, you must specify a keydate for the evaluation.
          To restrict the output of the report to the required businessprocesses, make the necessary settings in the group box Considerbusiness processes.

          You can display the evaluation results as either a variable list(table) or as a tree structure.
          The SAP List Viewer functions are available in the list viewer(for example, display variants, sort functions) for adapting theresults display to individual questions: For example, if you want tocheck which wage types are assigned to the symbolic account 1310 ERsocial insurance contribution, you can set a relevant filter, sothat only the table lines are displayed, with the value of 1310in the SymbAc column.

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122063Collective note: Posting payroll accounting 4.0