Title Delete IR8A cluster results Purpose Use this report to delete the latest results of the IR8A cluster. Thisreport deletes the results based on the latest run date of theSingapore Income Tax IR8A (New Report)> Report(RPCT8AR0_01), stored in the IR8A cluster. The results are updated in the IR8A cluster only if you have selectedthe Update IR8A results in cluster> option and then executed theSingapore Income Tax IR8A (New Report)> Report (RPCT8AR0_01).Features Activities
- In the Selection> section, enter the relevant selection criteria.
SAP recommends that you create a Variant> with the list ofemployees whose latest IR8A cluster results you want to delete. Forexample a Variant for the selected Personnel Numbers> or aPersonnel Area>.
- In the IR8A run date>, enter the date of the
latest IR8A cluster update.
- Select Delete Cluster records> to delete the cluster
records belonging to the specified IR8A run date. If you execute thereport without selecting this option, the report will only displayinformation on the records selected for deletion.
- To execute the report, select Program> -> Execute>.
- The Display the list of records to be deleted from IR8A cluster>
screen appears. It displays the following information for the IR8Acluster whose results are being deleted: Personnel Numbers> Tax Year> Employer Tax ID> Status Flag> Sequence Number>
- To delete the latest results of the IR8A cluster, choose Delete>.