Programme SAP RPCXMLK0_VALIDATE - XML File Validation in Relation to XML Schema

HR Canada XML: XML File Validation in Relation to XML Schema

This utility enables your enterprise to validate XML files in relationto the corresponding XML schema. As it performs XML file validation, theutility reviews the file for the following criteria:

  • Well-formedness of the XML file.

  • Validity of the XML file according to the content model defined in the
  • XML schema.

    To ensure that XML file validation runs smoothly and successfully, theXML file and the XML schema must both be present in the file system onyour presentation server (for example, your Desktop PC), or applicationserver of your system.

    System Requirements for XML File Validation
    Before you perform XML file validation, your system must meet thefollowing requirements - not only within the computer from which you runthis utility , but also on the computer - be it the presentation serveror application server - where the XML file and XML schema are located.

    • Your computer must be compatible with Microsoft Windows®.

    • Your computer must use a supported 32-bit version of a Microsoft Windows
    • ® operating system product, such as Microsoft Windows® XP, MicrosoftWindows® 2000, Microsoft Windows® NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows® MillenniumEdition, or Microsoft Windows® 98.
      • Your computer must have Microsoft® Internet Explorer at version 5.0 or
      • higher.
        • Microsoft® XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.0 Software Development Kit must b
        • e installed on your computer in side-by-side mode.
          You can install MSXML 4.0 SDK from the Microsoft XML Download Centre. Upon completion, the setup program downloads three files onto yourcomputer:
          msxml4a.dll, and
          The setup program records the file msxml4.dll in the computer'sregistry.

          In the Selection section:

          • Specify the XML Schema name, including its file path, against
          • which the XML file should be validated.
            • Specify the XML File name, including its file path, for which
            • validation should be performed.
              You can select a file that exists in the Presentation Server(that is, your own computer), or a file on any other file server on yourLocal Area Network, or a file on the Application Server ofyour system.
              The XML schema and the XML file can exist in different directories ofyour file system.

              Upon execution, the utility will validate the XML file. If any errorsare found during the process of validation, then an Error Logwill be created in the same directory of the file system where the XMLfile resides. The name of the error log will be prefixed by the XML filename. Example

              XML Schema name: C:/XML/myschema.xsd
              XML File name: C:/XML/myfile.xml
              If myfile.xml contains any errors, then an error log named my

              file_error.txt will be created in directory C:/XML.

1505891XML: Quality improvements to CA Reports
918070YE05: Errors during val. of XML files w/ spec.chars.
821351YE04: XML validation error w/ >1 special character.
818436YE04: Short dump occurs during XML file validation.
819025YE04: Error during XML file validation.
810270YE04: Error during T4A/T4A-NR XML Files Validation
806929YE04: Short dump occurs during XML file validation.