Programme SAP RPCURLA1 - Accruals for Remaining Leave

Using this report you can calculate the valid accruals for remainingdays of leave on the basis of a key date.
For an employee employed year-round, the company is entitled to theperformance of work for approximately 11 months. For the remainingtime, the employee is entitled to paid leave (leave owed). Everyadditional leave or leave not taken within a period causes a change inthe balance between work remuneration and leave remuneration.
Leave not taken causes the unchanged paid annual remuneration to fallinto the work remuneration category disproportionately.
You must make provisions to cover this backlog of non-work remuneration(passive delimitation) so that the year-end results reflect the actualmanpower needed for the amount of work performed. The same is necessaryto cover extra leave taken (active delimitation).
The amount of the delimitation based on the end of the business year(calendar year) is determined by the following main factors:

  • Remaining leave (previous year(s))

  • Current "earned" leave entitlement

  • Leave taken or paid out

  • Remuneration for each leave day or leave hour

  • The law, a collective contract, or an individual employment contractdetermines the amount of entitled annual leave. In this case, the leaveyear is the same as the employment year. It begins with the employee'sentry date. According to par. 2 art. 4 of the Leave Entitlement Law[UrlG], the calendar year or another time period (duration = year) canreplace the employment year if determined in an individual agreement.
    For the evaluation of the leave days to be delimited, you use thecurrent month as a basis. Afterwards, the ancillary payroll costs(municipal taxes, employment period, social insurance contributions)are added.
    Leave entitlement in the master data
    You can store your an employee's leave entitlement in LeaveEntitlement infotype (0005) or in Absence Quota infotype(2006). The report evaluates both infotypes in order to determine youremployees' leave entitlements.
    If you store the leave entitlement in Leave Entitlement infotype(0005), you must enter the leave type for leave owed in the Leavetype for leave owed field in the report selection screen. If youstore the leave entitlement in the Absence Quota infotype(2006), you must specify a time quota in the Time quota for leaveowed. You enter the time quota that your system uses to representleave owed.
    If both fields contain entries, the report checks if the leaveentitlement is stored in Leave Entitlement infotype (0005) or inAbsence Quota infotype (2006) and then reads the appropriatedata.
    For detailed information on the settings you must make in order to useabsence quotas, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for PersonnelTime Management under Time Data Recording and Administrationthe section Managing Time Accounts UsingAttendance/Absence Quotas.
    Legally prescribed amount of leave:
    • An employment period of less than 25 years: 30 working days (or five
    • weeks)
      • An employment period of 25 years or more: 36 working days (or six
      • weeks)

        The following are prerequisites for running the report:

        • In Customizing for Personnel Administration under
        • Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment you haveprocessed the section Organizational Assignment Supplement Austria
          . You have entered and saved the following data:
          Data for your personnel subareas
          Data for your employer assignment units
          This report requires this data for the fictive calculation ofsupplements for the employer contribution to the family-relatedexpenses fund [FLAF] in case the appropriate wage types are notavailable and FLAF-liability exists.
          • If you use time quotas, your leave quotas must be identified as leave
          • quotas in Customizing. To do this, in Customizing for PersonnelTime Management under Time Data Recording and Adminstration-> Managing Time Accounts Using Absence/Attendance Quotas ->Time Quota Types the step Define AbsenceQuota Types and Indicate Leaves
            • To determine the monthly remuneration, the report assumes valuation
            • bases exist in the payroll results of the key date period. Thegeneration of these valuation bases takes place partially in thesubschema ARS0 (Valuation bases for the monthly remunerationreserves).
              The model entries in this subschema are primarily designed for theseverance pay reserve. In many cases you can accept the following modelwage directly:
              /030 Total of monthly earnings
              /033 Portion of special payments
              In most cases you cannot use the model average data wage type /036. Therequirements (check period, wage type selection) for the individualreserves as well as those of the gross valuation differ from eachother.
              • Key date reserve and base determination period

              • The report takes the valuation bases of the payroll periods in whichthe there is a Key date reserve. Because the valuation base canchange with each retroactive accounting run in this payroll period, youmust enter the period in the Base determination period field.This represents the period in which the payroll results for the keydate period were generated.
                Key date reserve 12/31/1995
                Base determination period 01/25/1996
                When a payroll result exists that in the base determination period
                (in the period 01/1996) for the period of the key date of thereserve (for the period 12/1995) was created, the report determines thevaluation bases from the period 12/1995.
                If there is no payroll result that was created in the period 01/1996for the period 12/1995, the report uses the payroll results that werecreated in the period 12/1995 for the period 12/1995.

                The results are output as a list. You can format the list individually.For this, the following generic functions are available:

                • Sort according to various column criteria

                • Display/hide columns

                • Change in column width

                • Formation of total using value columns

                • Formation of group totals according to different criteria

                • Filter

                • Detail view of a list line

                • Mail connection

                • Excel Download

                • Word Download
                • List header
                  The list header is processed dynamically. You can specify the sortfields for the list header as follows:
                  Choose Sort ascend. order or Sort descend. order fromthe list.
                  The window Define Sort is displayed.
                  Select the sort fields from the Field List for the header.
                  Choose Display selected fields.
                  Enter * for each sort field in the column GC (Groupchange) of the Sort Fields table.
                  Choose OK.

                  Display variants
                  After formatting the list, you can save the formatting that best suitsyour requirements as a display variant. To do this, choose Settings
                  -> Display variants -> Save... from the formattedlist.
                  For more information on the List Viewer, call up Help -> SAPLibrary -> CA - Cross-Application Components
                  -> General Application Functions -> ABAP List Viewer

                  Explanation of list screen:
                  To display information on an employee's leave entitlement, position thecursor on a personnel number and choose Time quota deduction orLeave deduction.
                  If the employee's leave entitlement is stored in the Absence Quota
                  infotype (2006), and you choose Time quota deduction, you goto the screen Display Quota Deduction. From this screen, you goto the appropriate record for Absence Quota infotype (2006) bydouble-clicking.
                  Special leave
                  Special leave for the current leave screen per key date are always"earned". Possible special leave from previous years is stored in theRemaining leave from previous year(s) field. Special leave typesare those that do not match the specified leave types (Night shiftheavy labor, invalidity ... )
                  Current entitlement
                  There are currently three different ways to book new entries (30working days per leave year are assumed):
                  RESET N1
                  Portion of month according to the employment period,
                  after the 1st month 3 days = 30/12 1, rounded
                  after the 2nd month + 2 days = 30/12 2 - 3, rounded
                  after the 3rd month + 3 days = 30/12 3 - 5, rounded
                  after the 6th month + 15 days = Total sum 30 working days,
                  Immediate allocation of the annual entitlement and
                  Allocation of the annual entitlement after the 6th month of employment.
                  Because of the varying rules for processing new entries within thefirst six months of employment, the report determines this group'sentitlement using the parameter Leave entitlement in weeks, butdoes not use Leave Entitlement infotype (0005)and AbsenceQuotas infotype (2006)
                  This means that specifications for days (for example, reduced workinghours) are lost. After the first six months of employment, the datesallocated are valid as the annual leave quota.
                  From these, the "earned" leave: Only the "leave owed" of the currentleave screen is recalculated under this aspect. This is as follows: Thestart of the record for Leave Entitlement infotype (0005) orAbsence Quotas infotype (2006) until the key date, the reserve(in days) is divided by the number of days in a year (fixed 365,25).This yields the portion of "earned" leave.
                  Leave taken: Leave taken or compensated from the Leave Compensation
                  infotype (0083) or Time Quota Compensation infotype (0416).

                  • Variant a) Leave management in days

                  • 365,25 days / 7 multiplied by weekly working days / 12 = Divisor.
                    The number of weekly working days is taken from the Weekly workingdays field in Planned Working Time infotype 0007 for eachkey date. However, the system does not cross check for possible changesduring the leave year.
                    If a cost center manages the leave exclusively on the basis of workingdays, the weekly working days are replaced by the constant 6 in thecalculation. This, then, yields the divisor 26,09. Here, you must setthe Leave management in working days parameter to x.
                    • Variant b) Leave management in hours

                    • The average monthly working time is taken from Planned Working Time
                      infotype (0007) for each key date:

                      Balance key date : 12/31/1995
                      Entry date : 04/01/1972
                      Annual entitlement : 30 working days = 5 weeks w/ 6 working days
                      Rounding for "earned" : To half days
                      Monthly earnings : 17.394,00
                      Special payment portion : 6.000,00
                      Monthly remuneration : 23.394,00
                      Remaining leave as of 03/31/1994 4 working days
                      Leave taken in the
                      individual periods : 04/01/94 to 12/31/94 20 working days
                      01/01/95 to 03/31/95 3 working days
                      04/01/95 to 12/31/95 12 working days
                      Leave allocation: 04/01/94 bis 03/31/95 30 working days
                      04/01/95 bis 03/31/96 30 working days
                      Leave reserve as of 12/31/1994
                      Remaining leave from previous year 4 working days
                      "Earned" entitlement 30 multiplied by 275 days / 365,25
                      = 22,59 days, rounded up to, for example, half-days + 23 working days
                      (04/01/1994 to 12/31/1994 = 275 days)
                      = 27
                      Leave taken 04/01/94 to 12/31/94 - 20 working days
                      Reserve for + 7 working days
                      Divisor: On the basis of working days
                      365,25 / 7 CalDays per week multiplied by 6 working days
                      each week / 12 month 26,09 working days /month
                      Monthly remuneration per time unit
                      17.394,00 / 26,09 666,69
                      Special payment portions per time unit
                      6.000,00 / 26,09 229,98
                      Remuneration per time unit
                      23.394,00 / 26,09 896,67
                      Reserve amount for monthly remuneration
                      666,69 multiplied by 7,00 4.666,83
                      Reserve amount for special payment portions
                      229,98 multiplied by 7,00 1.609,86
                      Reserve amount
                      896,67 multiplied by 7,00 6.276,69
                      Leave reserves as of 12/31/1995
                      Remaining leave from 1993 4 working days
                      Allocation for 04/01/94 to 03/31/95 plus 30 working days
                      Leave taken 04/01/94 to 12/31/94 minus 20 working days
                      Leave taken 01/01/95 to 03/31/95 minus 3 working days
                      = 11 working days
                      "Earned" entitlement 04/01/95 to 12/31/95 plus 23 working days
                      Leave taken 04/01/95 to 12/31/95 minus 12 working days
                      = 22 working days
                      Divisor 26,09WDays/mon.
                      Reserve for monthly remuneration
                      666,69 multiplied by 22,00 14.667,18
                      Reserve for special payment portions
                      229,98 multiplied by 22,00 5.059,56
                      Reserve amount
                      896,67 multiplied by 22,00 19.726,74
                      Employer taxes
                      Regular social insurance contributions 24,40 %
                      Social insurance contributions for special payment 23,90 %
                      Municipal tax 3,00 %
                      Family-related expenses fund [FLAF] 4,50 %
                      Occupational association contribution
                      (Control through GKK assignment) 0,53 %
                      The employer social insurance contributions are only taxed to themonthly maximum limit base (Constants T511K and V1ATK multiplied by 30)or to the annual maximum limit base that has not yet been reached.