Programme SAP RPCTXVD1 - Lohnsteuerdaten erstellen

1547995ETStmt: Error in lines 25 + 26 for people w/ voluntary ins.
1553110Empl tax stmnt: Employer tax number is missing in form
1533496Employment tax statement: Corrections 01 2011
1501694ETStmt: Change 09 2010
1423229Corrections: Tax
1443880DEUEV: Changes for determining license plate country code
1444100Employment tax statement: Changes 04 2010 (II)
1408064Corrections for fiscal year change Germany 2009/2010
1437151Employment tax statement: Corrections 03 2010 (III)
1441988Employment tax statement: corrections 04 2010
1435168ETStmt: Corrections 03 2010 (II)
1430419Employment tax statement: Corrections for March 2010
1425144ETStmt: Corrections 02 2010
1426048LSTB: No exemption with report RPCTXVD1
1413037Employment tax statement: Changes for January 2010
1376639Fiscal Year Change 2009/2010 in Tax
1380172Advance Notice of Fiscal Year Change 2009/2010 Germany
1400920Employment Tax Statement: Corrections 11/2009
1302931LStB: Korrekturen 02 2009
1296169Rückwirkende Pauschalierung Firmenwagen
1294859LStB: Korrekturen 01 2009