Programme SAP RPCTUSV0 - lists without balance

This report is a deduction report to be sent to the recepient of themoney deducted from each of the employees during the payroll run.
The report list one of 3 reports, depending on the "subtype for P0057"
you register in program parameters:
The Uninon fees list (Subtype = V002)
Debt. collection list (Subtype = V003)
Childrens contribution list (Subtype = V001)
A list with pernr and name for employee's with new or outgoing
deduction (compared to previous period),
is written first (can be supressed - see below).
By putting a 'v' in check-box (Program parameters), you can:
Supress writing full person-no. (only birth date).
Supress writing list for new/outgoing deductions.

Each deduction type has to be created at infotype 0057 pr. PERNR.
Subtype of infotype has to be: Wage type to be used:
V002 (for the Union Fee) Depends on the Union
V003 (for the debt colllection) OI11 ---- OI19
V001 (contribution for children) OBID
Each recipient of money has to be created/maintained in table T521B.
Besides the report written, this ABAP-program also produses aTemse-file to be sent the recipient. Temse is the SAP-HR internal file-handling system. To copy the file to diskette or disk use program
RPLTEMV0. The name of the Temse-file will bee HR_CTUSV0_.
To get a overwiew over temse use Tools->Administration->Spool->
Temse contents. From here you can administrate Temse. Files will be
automatically deleted after 30 days, unless feature Temse is changed.