Programme SAP RPCTRUP1 - Utility program to read SAP Scripts for fields

This report identifies all the fields used in the SAPScript forms forU.S. Tax Reporter. If you run this report for the main form, all theattached SAPScripts are also checked.

Enter the Main Form Name and select one of the following options:

  • All fields: This provides a list of all fields used in the SAPScript
  • version of the form.
    • TFFs from T5UT3: This provides a list of all tax form fields that are
    • used in the SAPScript version of the form that exist in table T5UT3(Data to be printed in a tax form)
      • Fields from IT0002: This provides a list of all fields from the
      • Personal Data infotype (0002)
        • Fields from IT0006: This provides a list of all fields from the
        • Addresses infotype (0008)
          • Fields from T5UTL: This provides a list of all fields for the Tax
          • Company
            • Does not exist in T5UT3/IT0002/IT0006/T5UTL: This provides a list of all
            • fields that are not included in the previous four options.

              You can display the results and/or download them to a desk top.