Programme SAP RPCTRMV1 - 2-month report - part 2: Build up arbeidsgivers forskuddsskatt

Term report for tax and employer's contribution.
The term reporting is performed in two steps. At first an extraction
program is run that saves a file on TemSe. The extraction program is
run for all companies together.
Afterwards the program is run once per company.
The following parameter MUST be used for the execution of the program:
Year: Valid year.
Term: Valid value (1-6).
Company: Valid company code.
The following parameters CAN be used:
Add. basis employer's contrb: Basis for employer's contribution
external to payroll system.
Enter here deposit for pension funds
to be reported when paid.
Amount to be entered without decimals.
The report creates a file with advance tax deduction and basis for
employer's contribution per municipality.
If the parameter field 'Additional basis for employer's contribution'
has been filled out, the amount will be divided between the
municipalities based on the same ratio as the basis from the salary.
The report creates a list with amounts per municipality and calculated
employer's contribution per zone.
The column contains the amount from /158 + thedistributed amount from the field 'Additional basis for employer'scontribution'.
Wage types used:
Tax deduction: /136
Basis employer's contribution: /103, /114, /158
/133, /154 (Svalbard)
The ouput file are stored on TemSe. TemSe is SAP's internal filesystem.
Use the program RPLTEMV0 to copy the file a diskette or harddisk.
To get an overview of TemSe, go to
Tools->Administration->Spool->Temse Contents. From this menu
superfluous files can be deleted also. TemSe is emptied automatically
after 30 days. This setting can be modified in feature TemSe.

The file name on TemSe is generated as follows:
HR_CTRMV1_CCCC_t_yy where CCCC = company code, t = term, and yy = year.