Programme SAP RPCTP2L0 - Summary of Employee Tax Contribution - PCB 2(II).

HR-MY: Summary of Employee Tax Contribution - PCB 2(II)

This report displays the monthly tax deductions for an employeetogether with the receipt number and date. This is a legal requirementand it is distributed to the employee at the end of the year.
This program reads the data stored in the cluster as in the case of EAform and prints the report. The receipt details are read from the tablefor Tax Receipt Entry (T5LCT).

Although SAPScript provides font substitution for individual printersto remain global, SAP recommends to use HPLJ4Si/4SiMX PS laser jet.


  • The master data records must exist.

  • Payroll results must exist for the selected employees, for the period
  • for which you want to run this report.
    • You must have run transaction PC00_M14_CM59 each month to store
    • receipts details and cheque details in the table for Tax ReceiptEntry (T5LCT).



      • Tax Assessment Year is the year for which you want the tax
      • report.
        • Employer's Reference Number uniquely identifies the employer for
        • payment of tax to a given tax office. If you do not enter any personnelnumber, tax reports for all employees who fall under the specifiedEmployer Reference Numbers, is generated. If, however, personnelnumbers are also entered, reports are generated for only those employe
          es who fall under the specified Employer Reference Numbers.
          • You can generate the report in the Standard SAP layout, or your
          • own customized layout.

            You have the following print options:

            • Print Form: You can print the detailed tax report for laser
            • printer.
              • Dot Matrix Format: You can print the detailed report for the dot
              • matrix printer.

                From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> Malaysia -> Subs.activities -> Period-independent -> Legal reporting-> Tax PCB2(II).
                The Summary of Employee Tax Contribution - PCB 2(II) entryscreen appears.
                Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                If you want to generate the tax form with the customized layout, chooseCustomer layout. In the Name of the Layout Set field,enter a name of the layout that has been customized by you.
                In the User Parameters section, enter the details of theofficer-in-charge.
                Select Program -> Execute.
                Select one of the print options from the output screen.