Programme SAP RPCTNM9S_ASSIGN - Training Needs Assignment: selection screen

You use this report is to assign Training Needs (objects "TN") toPersons (objects "P") that would previously have been:

  • Pre-booked to a business event type (object "D") via "Dynamic Attendance
  • Menu" of the SAP Training Management, or via the ESS services dedicatedto Training;
    • Booked to a course (object "E") via "Dynamic Attendance Menu" of the SAP
    • Training Management, or via the ESS services dedicated to Training.

      You need to select the data to which a Training Need has to be linked:

      • Selection Period: The time interval in which the objects selected
      • in the Selection Criterion frame are valid.
        • Selection Criterion: Object Type, Object Id and
        • Planning Status.


          • Pre-Booking Situation: The report will create a relationship 940
          • (Needs/Is needed by) between a given Training Need and the in-processPerson.
            • Booking Situation: The report will create a relationship 941
            • (Realizes/Is realized by) between a given Training Need and thein-process Person.