Programme SAP RPCTGMLR0 - Generates GML forms for Employer


Generate Form GML for Employer

This report generates the Form GML2 and Form GML5 for theGovernment Paid Maternity Leave (GPML) or Government PaidAdoption Leave (GPAL) taken by the employees.


  • You have run the payroll for the GPML or GPAL period and have payroll
  • results.
    • You have maintained the GPML or GPAL information in the Absences
    • infotype (2001) under the following subtypes:
      Government Paid Maternity Leave subtype (GPML)
      Government Paid Adoption Leave subtype (GPAL)
      For more information, refer to the IMG documentation under PayrollSingapore -> Government Paid Maternity Leave


      Enter the following information for the selected range of employee(s):

      • Payroll period

      • Personnel number

      • Payroll area

      • Contact information of the employer

      • Name or Designation of the authorized person, NRIC
      • number and Date

        Depending on your selections, the system generates either the FormGML2, GML5 or both. You have the option to view theseforms on screen and to print them.


        • From the SAP Easy Access, choose Human Resources ->
        • Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> Singapore ->
          Subsequenct Activities -> Period-independent -> Reporting
          -> GML Report.
          The Generates GML Form for Employer screen appears.
          • Enter the relevant details:

          • To generate the Form GML2, select Government Paid MaternityLeave.
            To generate the Form GML5, select Government Paid AdoptionLeave.
            • Choose Program -> Execute and generate the selected
            • form(s).