Programme SAP RPCTCAW0 - South African Tax Certificates - Run Administration

Running this program allows you to process the annual South African TaxCertificates for your employees. As a reference, it displays a logindicating the status of the tax certificate runs to date for the giventax year. It also allows you to perform the following functions:

  • Pre-selection - include or exclude
    employees from tax certificate reporting for a tax year.

    • Generation - create new tax certificates.
      • Status Change - set the status of a run (for example, to cancel
      • a run).
        • Employee Detail - view employee/certificate details
        • per run. You have the option to cancel individual certificates.
          • Download Certificates - this program reads and
          • downloads a
            TemSe objectcontaining electronic tax certificates (in the required SARS format).
            • Print Certificates- allows you to print tax certificates.

              • View Certificates- displays the above TemSe in ALV

                • Number Range Maintenance- allows the display and
                  maintenanceof number range objects for Tax Certificates and Files.

                  Some customizing is required before you can create South African TaxCertificates : please refer to the ImplementationGuide for further details