Programme SAP RPCTC0E0 - Social Insurance contribution models

This program is used to obtain Social Insurance forms TC1, TC2 andTC1-16, as well as the FAN file.

Selection parameters
The general information relating to selecting the employees that are tobe included in the evaluations are entered in the selection parameters,together with specific data about generating the different forms.
The selection parameters are grouped in tabs in the following way:

  • 'Document generation' tab: contains the basic information relating to
  • the generation of the contribution forms (type of form, submission dateetc.).
    • 'Settlement data' tab: indicates whether it is an ordinary or a
    • supplementary declaration, and contains the required data relating toretroactive accounting and the arrears surcharge.
      • F'Expert mode' tab: contains additional control data. .

      • Finally, the tabs relating to the RED system ('Identification' and
      • 'Others') contain the information required for exchanging data with theTGSS (Social Insurance Administration) through the RED system. You canactivate these tabes by flagging the 'Generate RED system message' fieldin the 'Document generation tab. They have no other effect on the waythe program operates.
        For more detailed information, see F1 help for each field.

        The RPCTC0E0 program provides the selected form, ready to be printed orsent to the Social Insurance Administration through the RED system.
        All the forms are generated in SAPscript format. For more informationabout generating SAPscript forms, see consulting note no. 519948, under'Printing contribution forms' in the 'General information' section.
        See also the documentation of the Implementation Guide activity
        Assigning am SAPscript form to contributionforms'.

        See also consulting note no. 519948 for more detailed information aboutthis program.

1620308TemSe button wrongly appearing for TC, AFI, and FDI reports
1243023ES28.2: TC - Missing EDTCA11 segment
1292684ES28.6: PSS absence is not working properly in RPCTC0E0
1578789Issue distributing bonification with HOCON = 100 and VND
1526196SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-1
1534383TC: Error in distribution of learning hours
1542403Artists: RPCTC0E0 is not generating complementary properly
1524208TC: End of Bonification in the middle of the month
1532918TC: Invalid CCC has been used to get bank account
1510117RPCTC0E0 performance problems with ERE after note 1484796
1484741RPCTC0E0 reporting bonifications with settlement class 01
1487807Bonifications for method 0001 not being distributed properly
1484796TC: ERE indicator 'P' instead of 'T' in case of partial ERE
1483377TC: Absenteeism indicator missing for training contracts
1486393TC: CONVT_NO_NUMBER dump when trying to view the tc2 form
1482448TC: Incorrect indicator in case of Extended IT AT/EP
1473581TC: EDTCA01 quota is calculated differently than in ESV00
1476899Corr.: Indicator T is not being added to non ordinary temse
1471953TC: Unpaid absence reports "Error in number of days"
1472588BA00 is not being generated for multiple temse files
1446623TC: BA00 is not being generated with equal BA01 and BA02
1459321TC: ERE indicator T is not being added to non ordinary temse
1456927TC: Extended IT causing "Error in number of days"
1461281RPCTC0E0: Method 0001 being incorrected distributed.
1448757RPCTC0E0: Retroactive VND causing multiple DATs with 0 days
1451571TC: Segment EDLCD28 is not being placed in the DAT for ERE
1451363TC: Classifier L04 displays incorrect type in the temse file
1447519RPCTC0E0: ELDCD28 Segment is being removed from temse file
1442350RPCTC0E0: Generating DAT segment without contribution bases
1441172TC: Error message 'Obtención de días' and shows no results.
1316709ES28.8:Bonification with VND not being distributed correctly
1402096Artists: Contribution Limit presenting problems with split
1354312ES28.11: TC: Bonific. not being correctly distributed for TP
1388312Errors in the TC results for employees with a secondary CCC
1385458Distributing bonifications with two methods
1357909TC - Problems with validation table of CCC
1329068ES28.10:Bonific. with VND not being distributed correctly II
1371529RPCTC0E0 not distributing properly bonification RED 2009/07
1357852Bonifications and VND collision not working properly
1356527TC - New option to generate abbreviated TC2
1349311ES28.11: Incorrect TC-1 for A76 declarations
1325224ES28.10: New bonification for researchers in CD24.
1273156ES28.4: Bonification amount bigger than Company contribution
824334HP SP ES25: Cambio 37
1257762ES28.3: TC not reporting Partial-Time worked days
819681HR SP ES25: Cambio 33
880795HR SP ES26: Change 23
868567HR SP ES26: Change 16
1239715ES28.1: TC - Error in FAN due repeated file name
1136597ES27.8: TC - Number of days in L04 declaration
1168510ES28: Difference between RPCTC0E0 and RPCALCE0 in /3CS.
1225022ES28: Split for Unemployment Quotation - Boletín RED 2008/01
1178476ES27.11: RPCTC0E0 not distributing correctly bonification II
1178475ES27.11: RPCTC0E0 not calculating correctly number of hours
1161570ES27.10:RPCTC0E0 not distributing correctly the bonification
1168681ES27.11: RPCTC0E0 with problems in the segment RZS
1133945ES27.6: TC: L09 Declarations from January 2008
1142284ES27.10: TC:Number of active days for partial time employees
1158470ES27.9: CCC Filter for RPCTC0E0
1150916ES27.8: TC - Condensation of EMP segments
1145299ES27.7: RPCTC0E0 generating wrong country code
1137420ES27.6: TC - Incorrect L09 EMP segments generation
1126072ES27.5: Number of days in TC with collision of VND
1093098ES27.4: TC - Hours in DAT segment for partial time employees
1000702ES26.6: RPCTCE0 - Temse Inconsistente
936854HRSP ES26:RPCTC0E0 Error Horas complementarias. en comp.
934444HR SP ES26 - Cambio 83
798369HR SP ES25: Cambio 18
787258HR SP ES25: Cambio 09
597894HR SP ES23: Cambio 23.1
618361HR SP ES23: Cambio 31.2
588732HR SP ES23: Cambio 23
572259HR SP ES23: Cambio 04
450161CONSULT.: Documentos de Cotización a partir de 01.01.2002
517183HR SP ES21 - Cambio 16
486641HR SP ES21 - Cambio 13