Programme SAP RPCSSPG0_SMP1 - HR GB: Statutory Maternity Pay form SMP 1

Statutory Sick Pay Form SMP 1

If an employee does not qualify for SMP or if her entitlement to SMPceases, you should provide her with this form, indicating the reasonwhy SMP is not payable.
Should you decide that the employee is not entitled to SMP, Form SMP 1should be completed within seven days of your decision and given to theemployee with the maternity certificate. The employee may then be ableto claim maternity allowance.

To identify which employees have been excluded from SMP, you areadvised to run the SSP/SMP exclusions report. It will provide you witha list of individuals for whom you should run the SMP 1 report.

The computerized version of Form SMP 1 contains the following statutoryinformation:

  • Employee's name and address

  • Employee's National Insurance number

  • Employee's payroll number

  • Employer's tax reference number

  • Date maternity pay period begins or should have begun, expected week of
  • confinement, and SMP qualifying week
    • Date excluded from SMP, the exclusion reason, and number of weeks paid
    • up to exclusion
      • Employer's name and address

      • Date the form was issued
      • Activities
        You will normally be running the SMP 1 report for employees you knowhave been excluded from SMP. On the selection screen, enter theemployee's personnel number and other data, as appropriate. When youhave run the report and printed the form, you must complete thefollowing fields manually:

        • Total number of weeks paid up to date of exclusion

        • The fields under WHY I CANNOT PAY YOU SMP