Programme SAP RPCSSPG0_EXLN - HR-GB: Sickness Exclusion History

SSP/SMP Exclusions

The SSP/SMP exclusions report will identify all employees who have beenexcluded from SSP or SMP for the selection criteria you specify. Youwill generally run the report after payroll for a particular payrollarea and period of time.

The SSP/SMP exclusions report enables you to identify all employees whoneed to be issued with an SSP 1 or SMP 1 form. After running thisreport, you should therefore run the SSP 1 and SMP 1 reports for theparticular individuals identified by the exclusions report.

The report provides the following information:

  • Employee data including employee's name, personnel number, and National
  • Insurance number
    • Exclusion reason

    • Date when the exclusion started

    • Date the SSP 1 or SMP 1 form was issued

    • This information is derived from the SSP/SMP Exclusions (0086)infotype
      • Link date (start of PIW)