Programme SAP RPCSPKV0_DISP - Display SPK results

Display SPK Results (RPCSPKV0_DISP)

This report displays the records of the Statens Pensjonskasse (SPK)report that you have already generated using the SPKReport for Norway (RPCSPKV0). This report reads the cluster tablePCL1 to display the records.
You have the following options to display the records:

  • If you enter the period (Month and the Year), the system
  • will display active (A) records of all employees for the period.
    • If you enter the Employee No. only, the system will display all
    • active (A) records for the employee.
      • If you enter the period and the Employee No., the system will
      • display all active (A) and old (O) records for the employee.


        You can enter the period, Employee No. or both.

        When you execute the report, the system will list all the recordsaccording to your selection criteria.