Programme SAP RPCSPKV0 - SPK Report for Norway

SPK Report for Norway (RPCSPKV0)

This report updates the PCL1 cluster table with the SPK reportdata.
This is a legal report required by the Statens Pensjonskasse (SPK)authorities for Norway public sector employees.


  • The retirement age of an employee is dependent on the job code of the
  • employee. The system reads the retirement age for a job code from theRetirement Age infotype (1653), which is an Organizational Mangementinfotype.
    • The system reads the Retirement Age infotype (1653) for the Norway
    • Public Sector legal job code of the employee. If the Job-codefield is:
      Populated, the system reads that as the legal job code, which maps tothe SAP job code.
      Populated with 9999, it means that the SAP job code does not mapto any legal job code.
      Empty, the system reads the last four digits of the SAP job code as thelegal job code.
      • The system reads the SPK absence types from table view Code for SPK
      • for leave-agreement with valid years (V_T5VPPS_SPKP). This table viewmaps the SAP absence types to the Norway Public Sector legal absencetypes.
        • The system reads the TMA codes for the employee from table view
        • Temporary Agreement codes (T5VPPS_TMA) and decides theeligibility of the employee for SPK reporting. This table maps theEmployee Group, Employee Subgroup and the Report Identifier to theNorway Public Sector legal TMA codes.
          • You can download the SPK report in the form a text file using the
          • Download SPK results as file report (RPCSPKV0_DL).
            • You can display the data in the cluster table PCL1 by using the
            • Display SPK results report (RPCSPKV0_DISP).
              • You can delete records in the cluster table PCL1 by using the
              • Deleting SPK results report (RPCSPKV0_DEL).


                • You must have maintained the Retirement Age infotype (1653), which is an
                • Organizational Mangement infotype, with the retirement age for the joband the legal job code, if required.
                  • You must have maintained the IMG activities under Payroll Norway
                  • -> Public Sector -> Reports -> SPKReport.



                    • Enter the employee selection criteria.

                    • Enter the month and the year for which you want to run this report.

                    • Select the Test Run indicator if you do not want to update the
                    • cluster table with the data.
                      • Enter the Comment. This comment is useful when you want to
                      • download or delete records from the cluster table.
                        • Enter the Version, if you are generating more than one file for
                        • the same period for the same set of employees. This is useful when youare downloading the report into a text file.

                          The output contains the following kinds of messages:

                          • Header data

                          • This is the first row of the report. The message type has the number30.
                            • Statusmelding (Status message)

                            • This message is sent for all SPK eligible employees every month, even ifthe employee is also reported in the Change message in the same period.This message contains payroll and position data that is valid on the dayon which you are running the report. If the employee has joined or leftthe company in the reporting period, the respective start date or enddate is included.
                              The message type has the number 31.
                              • Endringsmelding (Change message)

                              • This message is sent if there has been some changes in the data for theemployee. The change can be in terms of:
                                Part time percentage
                                Payroll data
                                The message type has the number 32.