Programme SAP RPCSIGJ0 - HR-J: Geppen candidates for Santei Soukatsuhyou

This report outputs necessary summary data for Santei that is submittedto either social insurance bureau or health insurance association,along with Santei form in July.
The data is taken from the Santei Geppen Evaluation result in thedatabase.
The contents of the output are:
Office information
Summary data (number of employees in each status)
List of Geppen candidates (for August and September)


  • There should be no employee who needs Santei Adjustment.

  • This report is integrated with Hokeisya Santei function. If there isdata of an employee who has not yet completed Santei Adjustment in thedatabase, the system terminates the operation and displays an errormessage, informing you to complete the Santei Adjustment.
    To complete Hokensya Santei means that, there is no one to be adjustedin the Santei Adjustment Selection Report and all the employees havebeen released.


    • There are three mode to execute this report (Health Insurance /
    • Employee's Pension / Ikkatsu-Tekiyou).

      Based on the output data of this program, you fill out the legal formfor Soukatsu-hyo and submit it together with Santei form in July.