Programme SAP RPCSICJ0 - Santei Form (Paper)

This report outputs Santei form for Social Insurance(SI) Office orHealth insurance(HI) Association. The data is taken from theSantei/Geppen evaluation result in the database.


  • You need to complete Santei/Geppen evaluation and Santei Adjustment
  • before executing this report.
    This report selects employees who are judged as "Santei" inSantei/Geppen evaluation or Santei Adjustment. You need to completeSantei/Geppen evaluation and Santei adjustment before executing thisreport.
    • This report refers to the layout of "Kenpo MC-90" for
    • continuous-formpapers offered by Nihon Hourei.


      • This report selects employees who are judged as "Santei" in
      • Santei/Geppen evaluation or Santei Adjustment.
        • In Output control,it is possible to specify either "Submit
        • HI and EP data together" or "Submit HI and EP data separately
          When you choose "Submit HI and EP data together",it is possibleto specify the followings:
          In "Output employee", you can choose which employees are to beincluded in the output. There are the following three options.
          Santei applicable both for HI and EP: The report includesemployees whose Health Insurance and Employee's Pension(EP) are bothSantei in the specified period.
          Santei applicable only for HI: The report includes employeeswhose Health Insurance is Santei in the specified period.
          Santei applicable only for EP: The report includes whoseEmployee's Pension is Santei in the specified period.
          In "Output insurance No.", you can choose which insured number isto be output and to be used to sort employees in the form. There are thefollowing two options.
          Health Insurance No.: The report outputs HI number and employeesare sorted by HI number.
          Employee's Pension No.:The report outputs EP number and employeesare sorted by EP number.
          In "Judgement of previous revision month and reason", theindicator you select decides for which insurance type, the system checksthe previous revision of the monthly standard compensation, and thendetermines the revision reason.
          You have the following options:
          HI and EP: The system checks both HI and EP, and uses theinsurance type as the output since the latest revision month of thisinsurance type is more recent
          HI: The system only checks HI, and outputs the latest revisionmonth of HI
          EP: The system only checks EP, and outputs the latest revisionmonth of EP
          When you choose "Submit HI and EP data separately",it is possibleto specify for which insurance type (Health Insurance orEmployee's Pension) the form to be created in Insurance Type
          The selection you make here also determines which insurance type fillsout the "Previous Revision Month & Reason" field on the outputform.
          During report execution, if the system cannot find the latest revisionmonth of the monthly standard compensation for the specified insurancetype, no data fills out the relevant field on the output form.
          • It is possible to specify more than one target branch office to which
          • Santei Form is to be filed.
            • In accordance with Insurance Type specified, Santei Geppen rule
            • must be specified.
              • It is possible to select either Use or Not use of SAP
              • Script.
                If you select Use, you can specify the name of your own SAPScript in which you customize output positions. If you select Notuse, the report outputs the data according to the positionsspecifiedin the program.

                Specify for which period Santei Form to be output and execute thereport.