Description This report is used to create a payday calendar for the payroll year. The begin date and end date of each payroll period is read from tableT549Q. The payday of the period and the date of the payroll run, whichare stored under date identifier '01' and/or '02', are read from tableT549S. These dates are included in the payday calendar. When you start the report, the following parameters must be set on theselection screen. Period modifier: The period modifier of the payroll periods to bedisplayed. The field contains the default value '01', which stands formonthly periods. Date modifier: The date modifier of the payroll periods to bedisplayed. Country grouping: The country grouping of the payroll periods to bedisplayed. The field contains the default value '01' for Germany. Calendar year: The payday calendar is displayed for this year. Calendar type: This parameter determines how the calendar is displayed. Symbol for payday: This field contains the default value '$X'. Pastpaydays are flagged in the calendar with 'X' and future paydays with'$'. Symbol for payroll run: This field contains the default value '&R'.Past payroll run data is flagged in the calendar with 'R' and futurepayroll run data with '&'. Precondition The payroll periods must have been generated. The begin date and enddate for all payroll periods of the year must be in table T549Q, andthe payday of the payroll period and the date of the payroll run mustbe in table T549S. Output There are two different ways to display the calendar. The parameter"Calendar type" enables you to determine how the calendar is displayed: 1. 'Calendar type' has not been flagged: A line is displayed permonth. The first column contains the number of the month, the secondcolumn contains the weekday of the first day of the month. Each day is represented by a period (ie. '.'). The last day of the period is flagged with an 'E'. If the payday is in the past, ie. before the current date, it isflagged with an 'X'. If the payday is in the future, it is flaggedwith an '$'. The day of the payroll run is flagged with an 'R' if it is in the pastand with an '&' if it is in the future. If the appropriate parametershave been changed on the selection screen, the new letters are usedinstead. If no entries have been made in tables T549Q or T549S for a payrollperiod, all days are represented by a period (ie. '.'). 2. 'Calendar type' has been flagged: Each month is displayed in ablock, each line contains 3 months. Each normal day is displayed byits number, the end date, payday, and date of the payroll run for theperiod are flagged, as for the first calendar type, with 'E', 'X',and 'R', or '$' and '&'. Example The payday calendar for 1995 must be displayed as a block for Germanyfor period modifier 01 and date modifier 00. The parameters must be set as follows: Period modifier 01 Date modifier 00 Country grouping 01 Calendar year 1995 Calendar type x Symbol for payday $X Symbol for payroll run &R |