Description This program starts parallel runs of evaluation programs from thepayroll environment, in particular report RPCEDTx0, which is theevaluation program for creating the statement of earnings. Starting parallel runs in this case means that several jobs arecreated, each of which contains a certain amount of personnel numbers.You must specify this amount in the selection screen, either byentering the amount of personnel numbers per job or simply by enteringthe number of jobs. This type of parallel processing can only start the evaluation programvia a variant defined in the evaluation program. Parallel processing selects the personnel numbers from the databaseaccording to the variant of the target program and then createsconsecutive groups containing the relevant amount of personnel numbers.The evaluation program is then started for each of these groups inturn. Each start constitutes a job. Each of the jobs created in thisway is transferred to background processing. You may assign a short title to each of the jobs created. This is veryhelpful when displaying the jobs in the general job overview. Shorttitles for jobs may be defined in the selection screen and areafterwards assigned consecutive numbers. A job can be released as soon as it has been assigned the specifiedamount of personnel numbers. It is also possible to distribute all thepersonnel numbers to the individual jobs first and then release all thethe jobs at once. This type of parallel processing does not> support the sortfunctions of the PNP logical database, which in turn means that one orother of the sort sequences specified in the evaluation program variantmight not be executed correctly. PRCSC000 is a program specially designed for parallel processing ofpayroll.Precondition The evaluation program must satisfy certain conditions before this typeof parallel processing can be started:
- A suitable variant must be defined in the evaluation program
- The evaluation program must use the PSP logical database
- The evaluation program must not be a payroll program
Output An output log is created which lists each individual step within theprogram, including the date and time. If an error occurs, the log includes an error message or warning. Bothare highlighted. An overview of background jobs is also created for output. The jobnumbers and names specified in the job overview will help you touniquely identify each job (transaction SM37).