Programme SAP RPCROEK0_RUN_VIEWER - Record of Employment (ROE) - Run Viewer

Record of Employment (ROE) Run Viewer (RPCROEK0_RUN_VIEWER)

The ROE Run Viewer is the central administration area of the ROEWorkbench, from which all other ROE Workbench functions can be accessed,and from which most ROE dataset administration actions - includingviewing, printing, voiding and deleting - can be directly performed.

The ROE Run Viewer is also the first ROE Workbench application that isseen by customers who execute ROE Workbench transaction
HRPAYCA_ROEWB or who choose the following Payroll Canada menupath:
Reporting and Statistics -> Record of Employment (ROE)
As the central administration area of the ROE Workbench, the ROE RunViewer is thoroughly integrated with all other ROE Workbenchapplications - namely, the ROE Generatorreport (RPCROEK0_GENERATOR), the ROEWorkbench -Details report (RPCROEK0_DETAILS), theROE Exporter/Importer report(RPCROEK0_XMPORTER), theROE History Viewerreport (RPCROEK0_EE_VIEWER) and theDisplay ROE XML File report(RPCROEK0_DISPLAY_XML). This integration enable users maximum ease inadministering their ROE form data - from generation, to printing, toviewing, and - if necessary - to voiding and deletion.

Before you may generate ROE form data via the ROE Workbench, yourenterprise is required to have performed the configuration activitiesfound within the Payroll Canada Implementation Guide (IMG) underthe following chapter:
Reporting and Statistics -> Record of Employment (ROE)

The ROE Run Viewer stores ROE form data within four separateprocessing areas, divided by tabstrips. The names and functions of theseprocessing areas are as follows:

  • New

  • Stores ROE form datasets that have been created, but not printed, voidedor exported.
    • In Process

    • Stores ROE form datasets awaiting subsequent export for (or import) uponprinting.
      • Completed

      • Stores ROE form datasets that have been assigned Human ResourcesDevelopment Canada (HRDC) serial numbers and printed.
        • Void

        • Stores ROE form datasets that have been voided in any other processingarea.
          Each tabstrip, in turn, provides an overview of the form datasetscontained therein, based on the following criteria set:
          • Run ID

          • Indicates Run ID assigned to form dataset, based on number rangeinterval defined in the following section of the Payroll CanadaImplementation Guide (IMG):
            Reporting and Statistics -> Record of Employment (ROE)
            • Status

            • Indicates status of form dataset, for example - Voided,Completed, New, In Process, or Completed witherrors.
              • Created by

              • Indicates User ID of person who created form dataset, not the person whoprocessed it last.
                • Date

                • Indicates date on which last processing action occurred, not the date ofcreation.
                  Finally, in addition to the processing areas described above andoverviews contained therein, the ROE Run Viewer enables you to bothfilter and scroll down through the ROE form datasets shownin any processing area.
                  • To filter the form datasets displayed in any processing
                  • area, make field entries in the Selection criteria section. Hereyou may specify an ROE Run ID (or range thereof) in the ROE Run ID
                    field(s), the creation date (or range thereof) in the Created On
                    field(s), the User ID of the creator in the Created By field,or any combination of these three entries.
                    • To scroll down through the form datasets displayed in any
                    • processing area, specify the number of the desired Run ID in theRecord field. for example, 720 out of 900.

                      The ROE Run Viewer can be used directly to view, print, void, ordelete ROE form datasets. It cannot be used directly to generate ROEform datasets, to export them for printing, or to import them afterprinting and HRDC serial number assignment. The ROE Run Viewer canhowever be used directly to access the corresponding applications -theROE Generator and the ROE Exporter/Importer.