Title Record of Employment (ROE) Generator (RPCROEK0_GENERATOR) Purpose Generating ROE form data in the ROE Workbench is the first step in ROEReporting within my SAP HR Payroll. Before you may produce (that is,print) actual ROE forms, you must first generate ROE form datasetswithin my SAP HR Payroll for subsequent processing. The ROE Generator> is the sole ROE Workbench> applicationfrom which ROE form datasets are generated. Therefore, the ROE Generatoris the first ROE Workbench application you will use in the process ofROE Reporting in my SAP HR Payroll. To access the ROE Generator, execute the ROERun Viewer report (RPCROEK0_RUN_VIEWER)>, then choose Generate ROERun>.Integration As the sole application for generating ROE form data, the ROE Generatoris integrated with all other ROE Workbench applications. The ROE formdatasets generated here are subsequently viewed in the ROE Run Viewer,the ROE Workbench - Details report(RPCROEK0_DETAILS)>, and the ROE HistoryViewer (RPCROEK0_EE_VIEWER)>. These datasets are also subsequentlyprocessed in the ROE Run Viewer and the ROEExporter/Importer report (RPCROEK0_XMPORTER)>.Prerequisites Before you may generate ROE form data via the ROE Workbench, yourenterprise is required to have performed the configuration activitiesfound within the Payroll Canada> Implementation Guide (IMG) underthe following chapter: Reporting and Statistics> -> Record of Employment (ROE) >Features Activities The ROE Generator> is used directly to generate ROE form datasets.You cannot use the ROE Generator for any other administration purpose. |