Title Record of Employment (ROE) - Details (RPCROEK0_DETAILS) Purpose The ROE Workbench - Details function is the sole ROE Workbenchapplication that enables you to view data stored within individual ROEform datasets. This function is accessed by double-clicking on any ROE form datasetstored in any of the four processing areas in theROE Run Viewer report (RPCROEK0_RUN_VIEWER) >, which are as follows:
- New>
- In Process>
- Completed >
- Void>
This function is also accessed by double-clicking on any ROE formdataset stored in any of the five processing areas in theROE History Viewer report (RPCROEK0_EE_VIEWER) >, which are as follows:
- All >
- New >
- In Process >
- Completed>
- Void>
Prerequisites Before you may generate ROE form data via the ROE Workbench, yourenterprise is required to have performed the configuration activitiesfound within the Payroll Canada> Implementation Guide (IMG) underthe following chapter: Reporting and Statistics> -> Record of Employment (ROE) >Features The ROE Workbench - Details> function displays, in ABAP ListViewer (ALV) format, a comprehensive overview of the data stored in theROE form dataset selected. This format allows you to modify theappearance of the overview and to download its output to other softwareapplications. These features also allow output to be processed further,thus facilitating the reporting requirements of your enterprise. Within the ROE Workbench - Details function, data is summarized in thefollowing five columns:
- ROE Run ID>
- Personnel Number>
- ROE Block No.>
- ROE Block Value>
- Status>
Activities The ROE Workbench - Details >function is used to view data storedwithin individual ROE form datasets. You cannot use the ROE Workbench -Details function for any other administration purpose.