Programme SAP RPCRMBV0_PRINT - Follow Up Report for Norway Sickness Reimbursement

This report reads the data in the VR cluster table for the periodthat you have specified and prints the form. This formhas to besubmitted to the RTV for reimbursement claim.
You can also use this report to view the status of claims for anemployee.

Reporting of reimbursable payments due to absencesreport (RPCRMBV0_MAIN) creates and updates records inthe VRcluster table. The Follow Up Report for Norway SicknessReimbursementreport (RPCRMBV0_PRINT) reads these records.

You must run the Reporting of reimbursable payments due to absences
report (RPCRMBV0_MAIN) for theemployee for the payroll period.


  • Enter the Payroll Period for which you want to run the report.

  • Enter the Personnel Number(s) of the employee(s) for whom you
  • want to run the report.
    • Enter the Bedrifts number for which you want to run the report.

    • Enter the Claim Status of the report.
    • Output
      The system displays the absence reimbursement claim data for theselected employees in the form of an ALV output.Following are some ofthe details that are displayed:
      Form Status
      Fixed value,,Short text,,Description
      01:,,New claim -,,Any claim that has to be submitted tothe RTV has this status.
      11:,,New claim printed - The status of the claim ischanged from 01 to 11 when the user prints a new claim. This isanindication to the user that the form has been sent to RTV.
      02:,,Corrected claim to be submitted - If there are anychanges to the amount claimed from RTV due to bonusrun or a retroactiverun, then the status of the claim is changed to 02.
      12:,,Corrected and new claim printed - If a claim havingthe status 02 is printed by the user, then its status ischanged to 12.
      03:,,Absence correction on Claim - If there are anychanges related to the absence record (changes in end dateof the absencerecord), then the status of the claim is changed to 03.
      13:,,Absence correction printed - If a claim having status03 is printed by the user, then its status changes to 13.
      04:,,Partially settled- Any claim having the status 11, 12or 13 is automatically updated with a status 04 or 14 when the amountreceived by the RTV is updated in the ALV .
      14:,,Fully settled - Any claim having the status 11, 12 or 13 isautomatically updated with a status 04 or 14 whenthe amount received bythe RTV is updated in the ALV.
      1.The print button provided on the application toolbar of the reportoutput screen should only be used to print the RTV forms.
      2. If the begin date of an absence which forms a reimbursement claim ismodified then the status of that claim is modified to 'INVALID' and willnot be displayed in this report.
      ,,WORK AROUND: This issue can be solved by deleting the original claimusing the report " Norway Reimbursement Report (delete cluster data -RPCRMBV0_DELETE )" and rerunning the main report (Reporting ofreimbursable payments due to absences).
      MAX Date
      There ALV output has the following fields for MAX date for comparison:

      • RTV MAX date - This displays the MAX date entered in Date
      • Specification infotype (0041) record for the DateType CO (MaxDate Norway). This is the MAX date received from the RTV.
        • System MAX date - This is the MAX date that is calculated by the
        • system.
          RTV Amount
          The ALV output of the report has an RTV Amount field. This fieldcontains the amount that is reimbursed by the RTV.The user can maintainthis amount in IT0014.
          You have the option of printing, reprinting he output. The printedoutput has to be submitted to the RTV for reimbursement claim.