Programme SAP RPCRMBV0_MAIN - Reporting of reimbursable payments due to absences

This report determines for a period whether:

  • A new absence exists for an employee that has to be reimbursed by the
  • RTV.
    • There is a change in the existing absence that has already been sent for
    • reimbursement by the RTV.
      The report determines the details of such reimbursements and eithercreates a new absence record or updates the existing record in theVR custer table.
      You can run this report on a daily basis for a period.


      • The report reads the Absences infotype (2001) record of the
      • employee to determine whether a reimbursable absence exists for theemployee in the selected period.
        • If it does, the report checks whether the employee is eligible for
        • absence reimbursement. For this, the report checks whether the employeehas been in the organization for at least four weeks.
          • If the employee is eligible, the report checks whether the absence is
          • eligible for a claim.
            • The report then checks whether the absence is a continuation from the
            • previous period.
              If it is, the report checks whether there is a change in the BasicPay infotyope (0008) record for the period or change in the startdate and end date of absence. If there is, the report updates the VR
              cluster table record with the new data.
              • If it is a new absence, the report creates a new record in the VR
              • cluster table to store the data related to the absence reimbursement.


                • Payroll results must exist for at least the previous period.

                • Maintain the following activities in the IMG under:

                • Payroll Norway -> Basic Settings -> Maintainorganisational structure -> Connect"bedriftsnummer" to organisational number for reporting.
                  Payroll Norway -> Absences -> Specific processing forabsences -> Classify absence types.
                  Payroll Norway -> Absences -> Specific processing forabsences -> Define absence evaluation rules.
                  Payroll Norway -> Absences -> Specific processing forabsences -> Check constants defining length ofevaluation segments.
                  • Maintain all the IMG activities under Payroll Norway ->
                  • Absences -> Absence Reimbursement Reporting.


                    • Enter the Payroll Period for which you want to run the report.

                    • Enter the Personnel Number(s) of the employee(s) for whom you
                    • want to run the report.
                      • Enter the Bedrifts number for which you want to run the report.

                      • Select the Test Run indicator if you do not want to update the
                      • VR cluster table.

                        The report updates the VR cluster table with the details of theabsence reimbursement.
                        The report also displays the following information for the selectedemployees:

                        • Personnel Number

                        • Employee Name

                        • Claim Begin Date

                        • Type of Claim

                        • TP Days Claimed

                        • Monthly Gross Amount

                        • Claim Status

                        • Reason for Correction

                        • You can run the Follow Up Report for NorwaySickness Reimbursement report (RPCRMBV0_PRINT) to print thereimbursement form to be submitted to the RTV.