Title Reporting of reimbursable payments due to absences Purpose This report shows all information regarding payments that arerefundable by legal authorities. It can be used to gather informationfor filling out the forms to be sent to 'Folketrygden' (RTV-blanketter3.xx). Prerequisites To run this report the corresponding wagetypes for getting paymentinformation from payroll have to be specified. For details how tocustomize these wagetypes please refer to the IMG, section 'Absencereporting'. Features The output of this report is a SAPscript form that may be customized tospecific needs. To create own forms please refer to the technicaldetails what global data fields are filled to be reported. Activities Please specify the wagetypes to show information on reimbursablepayments. Refer to IMG chapter 'Absence reporting'. Technical-info Following information is given to the global SAPscript interface to bereported on a specific form: Textelement Internal table Fields Description EMPLOYEE EE_INFO WA_INFO Employee information: Address, Trygdekasse, Taxinfo, ... BASE_HEAD Header line for base income BASE EE_BASE WA_BASE Base income PAAL_HEAD Header line for påleggstrekk PAALEGG EE_TREKK WA_TREKK Balance amout and receiver BIDR_HEAD Header line for bidragstrekk BIDRAG EE_TREKK WA_TREKK Balance amout and receiver INKA_HEAD Header line for inkassotrekk INKASSO EE_TREKK WA_TREKK Balance amout and receiver ABS_HEAD Header line for absences ABSENCE EE_ABS WA_ABS Absences with splitting information/permission ABSPC Formatted absence percentage ARGV_HEAD Header line for employer's payments ARBEIDGV EE_ARG WA_AGR Wagetype, number, amount of employer's payments TRYG_HEAD Header line for employer's payments refundable by trygden TRYGDEN EE_TRY WA_TRY Wagetype, number, amount of payments for Trygden FOED_HEAD Header line for paid fødsels- penger FOEDSEL EE_FOE WA_FOE Wagetype, number, amount of fødselspenger TIDS_HEAD Header line for paid tidskonto TIDSKONTO EE_TID WA_TID Wagetype, number, amount of payments for tidskonto NATU_HEAD Header line for given natural- ytelser NATURALYT EE_NAT WA_NAT Wagetype, number, amount of naturalytelser CREATED Access to system fields for printing to the bottom of the page (SY-DATUM, etc.) For details please refer to the data declaration or view exampleSAPscript layout set 'HR_NO_ABS_REFU'. |