Programme SAP RPCRBAFI - Batch input for recording payroll maintenance

Batch input for recording of the payroll management recording

This program is used to modify the payroll status of all or part of thepayroll area corresponding to the PAC selected, depending on how theprocessing develops.
The processing phases are as follows:

  • 'validated for payroll calculation', activated by the POPPAIE
  • service (switch to payroll processing mode). When the personnel numbersare blocked, a dialog window opens and displays the list.
    • 'validated for correction', activated by the POPCORR service
    • (switch to correction mode)
      • 'end of payroll calculation', activated by the FINPER service
      • (period end on SAP)
        • 'check payroll results', activated by the POPGEL service (fix
        • employee/check payroll).

          Check that the payroll period selected is the same for ADP and SAP.
          For ADP, the payroll period is entered into the table SAP 91.

          When the period is initiated, a dialog window opens to display all thepayroll areas of the PAC selected.
          Select the payroll areas that you wish to process. Only the status ofthe payroll areas selected is modified, and this does not affect thestatus of the other areas of the same PAC.